I have neglected this page too much, and for that I'm incredibly sorry. I claim to pride myself on my professionalism, but I will be the first to admit I haven't kept that promise particularly well in these past months.

On the discord linked via this page, there will be a .zip file of my current story library made available no questions asked, with plans to upload a new folder monthly sharing my story progress. That, I think, is the best compromise to ensure that this is actually a place worth being.

A couple more notes I feel essential: I will be removing the comm benefits from the higher tiers of Subscribing; the raffles will remain intact (and I will be sure to keep you all updated on those). However, I feel that trying to split my comms between full-sized obligations here and other comms is a fool's errand, and I don't think it results in the high-quality work I pride myself on. I initially intended this to be much more of a "universal support" kind of deal, where if you loved my work that much you could toss me a couple of bones without major expectations. I lost sight of the forest for the trees in that sense. 

If that's a dealbreaker, and you'd prefer to unsub or reduce your tier, no biggie. I understand completely, and it's absolutely integral that I'm transparent about all of this. Going into 2023, that's my biggest resolution: trying to be less nebulous and more human about myself and the way that I work. 

However, as it's the start of the month, I will honor all commitments from the prior setup through Jan 2023. That's only fair. 

Thank you guys again for all of your support. It's been a rough year, but I need to square up on all fronts.