New version of Lovebugs: Night Shift is released!

Play it in browser HERE!

Interactive story about a girl working at an alien exposition center.
Take care of your insectoid guests, explore their needs and see how far can your relationships go!
17 erotic scenes total, 13 full, 4 short ones.

**v0.6 patch notes**

New content added:
*Lassospider storyline: 7 scenes added

Content updated:
*Polyfly storyline: fixed typos, bad grammar, minor rewrites for clarity

*Added task counter to Task button
*Removed End Shift button
*Changed alert animation

*Broke individual items into distinct UI elements
*Added dynamic progress bars for transformations

*Broke individual items into distinct UI elements
*Added colored status bars for tasks
*Added gameplay loop description
*Added Skip Shift button
*Added End Shift button

*Broke individual items into distinct UI elements
*Split notes connected to different species into different tabs
*Added Items tab

*Broke individual items into distinct UI elements
*Added colored status bars for environment states
*Updated descriptions to be less vague

*Task list now properly describes gameplay tasks
*Added an explanation of sidebar button functions