Heya, everyone! I just wanted to give you all a quick update on what to expect in the near future. I am about 80% of the way through finishing the next chapter in Carmen's story. I'm in the very last phases of drafting, after which I will do an edit and pass it over to my test audience for initial feedback and then final edits. Expect it by the end of this week.

Outside of that, I am also working on a non-SMU piece that I think many here would also enjoy. It was actually my first collaborative effort with the inimical Formant, which got shelved in favor of SMU content. Now that I'm getting something approaching a real work flow put together, I want to get that story finished up and published. So expect to see chapters of that here in the near future, as well.

Lastly, I want to send out a huge "thank you" to my newly-subscribed supporters. I can't express in words how much your support means. And "expressing in words" is basically my whole thing. This gratitude, of course, also extends doubly to my long-time supporters. You're all absolute heroes in my life right now.