Rewards Sent

Thanks for the support and donation. You help make on going art possible. An art community is only as good as those who particulate or contribute. Please enjoy the fanart parodies.

"May the 4th Be With You" celebration is around the corner. 8 Hour left to vote on the next damsel to be created free and transformed into a Star Wars style carbonized statue.

As a side note, there seems to be some phantom sponsors or really inaccurate book keeping or notifications from Subscribestar for the past months. I just want to make sure everybody gets the appropriate reward, so there's no mysterious backlog and creators get any additional due funds from sponsors to help support more fun content.

If anybody previously sign up for a creative slot/commission let me know what you have in mind. We can make something special. Or if anybody notice any bugs or exploits, feel free to message or report to Subscribestar tech support which would be appreciated.

I'll be updating some graphics and layouts for your viewing pleasure. Open for feedback to improve.