Life Update: Emergency Move

A lot of stuff has been going on the past month or so...

To start things off, let me explain that the house that me and a couple of guys rent is not longer livable. It's a older house that we've been renting for the past 2 years. It's got some issues and certainly isn't the cleanest looking place is what is honestly a really nice neighborhood. Recently, we noticed that the drywall in the living room had some water damage and we notified the landlord. The maintenance guy came out and determined that at some point a tree branch had fallen and damaged a part of the roof allowing water to slowly leak into the wall when it rained. When he got around to removing some of the drywall to replace it, we were all met with a mess of ants, some wood roaches, and bunch of black mold in the walls. Unfortunately, since the wall underneath is still wet, it needs to be left open for a while to dry out. However, that would mean letting black mold just air out into the whole house making us sick.

Conveniently, our landlord manage another place similar to ours whose tenant had just moved out. Overall it's a nicer place than our current one. We're being offered this place at our current price and will start moving our stuff tomorrow. With how sudden and prompt this move is, we are actually moving in before we've had a chance to finalize any paperwork regarding our lease. Our lease was set to expire at the end of the month anyway, so we're trying to sign a new lease for this place for a year.

I've been dealing with a lot of stress between the mold making me feel unwell, the frantic hunt for a new possible house, and all the confusion and vague correspondence with our landlord about what's going on.
Hopefully everything works out the way we think it will. If so, we'll have a much nicer place to live.

Dealing with moving everything, cleaning, and sorting out lease stuff is going to take most of my attention for the next couple weeks at least. Once I'm able to get settled in somewhere, I'll be back to work on a few projects behind the scenes and hopefully some animations that I've been itching to make on my own time!

I'm hoping this will be the beginning of a better chapter in my life more than the stressful detriment it has been so far...

And I hope that all you guys have been hanging together through all the various chaos going on out there~
Woof will hopefully be back in a couple weeks with more juicy content!