STORY PREVIEW: Sari Ignores The Warning (w/h J-Pop Idol Sari)
Please enjoy a free teaser of my latest piece of erotic fan fiction, starring J-Pop singer and Idol, Sari. The full fic is available now for my $10+ Supporters! Thanks for reading!
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, groups, musicians, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own any of the Idols, musicians, etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.
Starring: Sari (former Necronomidol)
Sari Ignores The Warning
An erotic celebrity fan-fiction story.
by DaxG2001 ([email protected])
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, groups, musicians, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own any of the Idols, musicians, etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.
Starring: Sari (former Necronomidol)
Sari Ignores The Warning
An erotic celebrity fan-fiction story.
by DaxG2001 ([email protected])
A Commissioned Story for [Anonymous].
Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter.
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Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter.
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Author’s note: This story is set in the same ‘universe’ as fics such as World Domination to Maid Dominated and From Bondage Idol to Blacked. Prior reading of those stories is not required, but recommended.
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At a music venue in Tokyo, Japan.
“I must say, Laurence-San, I am surprised you came out for the show today.” Kaito, the smartly dressed assistant remarked, pushing up his glasses. “Usually this sort of evaluation task is left to assistants and interns like myself.
“Nonsense, Kaito-San! I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t dip my toes into the water once in a while.” Malcolm Laurence replied, the mature African American record company and publicity executive also clad in one of his suits. “Besides, not to play my own trumpet or anything, but I do feel I have a certain personal knack for seeing things in some talents that other agents just judging the singing and dancing do not.” He added with a sly smile that went unmissed by his assistant as he watched the current act on stage.
What Malcolm missed out by his remark is that by being personally here at this multi-act performance concert was that he had the opportunity not just to scout for new money making clients. But the opportunity to hook up with more Japanese starlets from the music business, be they Idols or J-Rock performers. Oh sure, he knew the benefits of having talented singers and artists who could sell CDs and downloads along with tickets and merch. But he had a growing taste for the hot, young, females of the Idol world and their tight bodies. Something he’d already deeply enjoyed from a few members of groups, past and present, of the likes of Necronomidol and Band-Maid. A nice side hobby that’s emerged alongside his actual job as an executive, managing these same women alongside enjoying the lewd bonus perks that came with showing these young Asian beauties the benefits of enjoying his big black cock.
Of course, there also came the ‘desk job’ parts of his work, such as scouting out groups at this music venue. Standing at the back of the building while the crowd in front cheered the current female solo artist on the stage and while his assistant Kaito nodded along approvingly. Some upbeat, dream-like electronic music. He could see some money though in the act enough already from the woman in a bright, sparkling attire that even from the distance appeared tropical water based, dare he say even mermaid-like but without any tail. Looking down, he flicked through the folder of well prepared notes that had been prepared for him. Looking through and seeing if there was anything of interest. Or, anything he could use to his advantage in any possibly negotiations.
He found just that as his finger traced along a line of text that leapt out at him. “Hmmmm… Former member of Necronomidol…” He glanced up at the stage then back to the notes, seeing the attached picture on the file. “Well well… Someone has made quite the musical change.” He noted as he looked at the performer known as Sari up on the stage. His interest peaked as, having banged two members past and present of that J-Rock group, they had also been two of the most productive, or to be blunt most satisfying ‘interviews’ he’s conducted with a potential client before. A smirk on his face as he stroked his chin. Wondering if the ‘trend’ could continue with her, even if she’s made a switch to a very different style of Idol.
“Kaito-San? I think you’re right.” Malcolm said, handing the shorter man the folder back. “I’ll leave you to scout the acts. I think you’ve got a bigger handle on the boy band types that are coming up.”
“Ah, I see. Of course, Sir.” Kaito bought it as he gave a nod. “Are you leaving so soon?”
“Oh, far from it.” Laurence said with a smile. “I want to see if I can get a closer view of the performers… A little influence here and there to get me backstage for a little bit.” He claimed.
“Ah, you want to see it from a side-stage view? That’s popular back in your homeland, yes? Well, whatever you think best, Sir.” Kaito said, smiling. “I’ll be sure we’ll catch up before the concert is over.
“Oh, of course After all this is what, only the second or third act of the show. And if not? Then we can have a meeting tomorrow.” Malcolm said, patting his friend on the shoulder. A smirk on his face when he turned away at his assistant buying the lies.
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