I make 3D models and animations of video game and cartoon characters. I aim at having one animation every week.
3 angles from each animation will always be made freely available over at e621
But if you subscribe you'll get :
  • More angles.
  • Double the framerate (60fps).
  • Twice the resolution (2560x1440).
  • The ability to vote on upcoming characters (based on subscription tier).
  • You also get updates / behind the scenes on pretty much everything I make on Discord.

If you don't feel like subscribing you can still follow me to get updates and be notified when I upload. The best places for that is Twitter and Discord, but Furaffinity is also good.

Models :
If you're here for models you can find them for sale (or free) on Gumroad.
Or if you're a subscriber you can get a list of all released models in this post -> Click me.