Hi everyone!

Just a brief message to let you know that I'm ok, I'm still in Ukraine, not too far from Kyiv with my relatives.

Explosions are heard here and there, but nothing I can't handle :)

There's not much work done with the game, lots of things need to be taken care of in real life, but regardless of that I started working on the music aspect of the game, so at least some progress.

Also, I reviewed my workflow and how animations are done in the project and managed to figure out how to speed up this aspect by a lot. In short, I won't have to simulate clothing "offline" and import it to Unreal. It will be done during render stage. The main downside of it is I need to wait for UE5 to be completely released to actually use it, and the reason behind that is because not all addons I need are released yet.

Thank you for being so patient with me and thank you for all the support you are giving, you have no idea how much it encourages me, especially during these hard times.

Wish you only the best,

Rell Games.