STORY PREVIEW: Fucking the Multiverse - Trouble in Toon Town (April O'Neil, Hello Nurse & Jessica Rabbit)

Please enjoy this free teaser of my latest piece of erotic fan fiction. Another chapter in the Fucking the Multiverse series, with three babes of Western animation/cartoons getting used and fucked. The full version of the story is available now for my $10+ Supporters! Thanks for reading!

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 WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the characters, cartoons, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animaniacs or Who Framed Roger Rabbit, nor do I own any current or former characters. 
 Starring: April O’Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1897 cartoon), Hello Nurse (Animaniacs), Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit). 
 Nah Nohn Fucks the Multiverse Part 7 – Trouble in Toon Town
 An erotic multiverse fan-fiction story. 

A Commissioned story by n1one.

Written by DaxG2001 ([email protected]

Codes: Non-Con/Dub-Con, MF, MFFF, FF, oral, anal, mc.

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“Man, there’s so much stuff to watch these days…” Nah Hohn sighed, lounging in a large easy chair as he scrolled through the variety of TV shows available on the streaming service he had loaded up. “Can’t even be bothered to pick… Action? Adventure? Damn cooking shows? Heh, I’m more into eating than the cookery part…” He said, laughing at his own joke. “Hmmm? Cartoons? Well, there’s some current good ones and classics I guess…” He said, hovering over that option. “Hell, now I think about it… I started using my awesome little summoning device way back using a cartoon babe… Kim Possible wasn’t it? I should go bang some more cartoon hotties!” He decided with a grin, not even having the common sense of turning off the TV to save energy as he stood up. Making the chair creak in relief from no longer having to handle his massive weight.

He snatched up his mysterious, multiverse summoning machine from off a table and activated it. Pulling up a selection of options from more western cartoons than anime as he began to look through and pick some choices. “Let’s see… Oh shit, for sure! Fucking Jessica Rabbit has got to be a dream with her curves!” He grinned as she started picking out choices. “Hmmmm… Oh yeah, the classic April O’Neil will do! Maybe she’ll bring some pizza… And let’s see, who else… Oh hey, that’s a classic one you forget about. That Hello Nurse from Animaniacs? Yeah, that’s got to be a great fuck.” He decided as he loaded the options in. “Hmmmm… And let’s load in some boosts too for more fun. They might not have powers or items to make the fucking more fun, but I’m sure this machine can whip up some magic.” He said as well. Having taken a liking to enjoying some powered up, enhanced sex during his last encounters with women from video games.

Activating the device, he watched as the doorway into his lounge transformed after a glowing light engulfed it. Making a mismatching white, plain wall appear to contrast the futuristic scheme of the rest of his home. Complete with a wooden door that had a sign on it reading ‘NURSE’S OFFICE’ to already give a hint of the setting. Smiling as he walked forward and opened the door to step into the created pocket dimension.

Finding indeed what looked like a stereotypical medical room with an examination bed and chair, along with plenty of posters on the walls of medical charts, body types and the like. He also noticed that there was a table that was laid out with a selection of pill bottles and medicine bottles as well but the labels reading not exactly anything pain easing. ‘PENIS ENLARGEMENT’, ‘ADRENALINE BOOST’ and ‘BONER PILLS’ making it look like this should be more the set of a porn shoot. Accompanied by a handy large pitcher of water and a glass for ease of swallowing.

He then cast his eye over with a wide grin at the three animated beauties that had also been summoned in. The stunning, busty redhead Jessica Rabbit in her trademark, flowing and sparking red cocktail dress that showed off her thick hips and massive breasts as she sat cross legged on the edge of the bed. Hello Nurse, the busty in her own right blonde clad in a tight, white nurse’s uniform complete with white hat on her head. Last and certainly not least, the ‘classic’ adult version of April O’Neil from the 1987-era cartoons with shoulder length auburn hair. Clad in the trademark yellow jumpsuit that fitted nicely to her own curves, and even having a Channel Six microphone in her hand and a camera on a tripod.

“I’m here reporting live from an exciting development at the ACME Medical Facility down town.” April spoke to the camera like this was a broadcasting report. “I’m joined by the head nurse of the programme, Hello Nurse. Miss Nurse, what more can you tell us about the new drugs that you’ve come up with.”
“Of course…” Hello Nurse said with a gorgeous smile. “I’m not just a regular old nurse you know. I’ve been a chairwoman, a flight attendant, waitress and so much more. Including a scientist.” She explained. “Which is why I’m proud to announce that we’ve been working on a selection of new drugs and drinks that can help improve and enhance the libido. Preventing not just a loss of sex drive, but specifically making sex better.” She said like it was perfectly acceptable for a children’s cartoon character to say such things. “And today we’re showcasing an exhibition to prove our products work exceptionally. Which is why we have Mrs. Rabbit here for today’s test along with our top quality examiner, Mister Nah Hohn.”
“Oh, believe me, the pleasure is all mine…” Jessica Rabbit said with a naturally seductive voice as she scanned over the man approaching her. A look already of not just clear approval but desire despite not only being married herself, but seeing a man who was obviously hideous and out of shape leering over her. “I know the effect I personally have on men… So why wouldn’t I help out to keep the boys in good shape if I ‘motivate’ them?”

“Ah, so these are the boosts today, huh?” Nah walked over to the table and popped open the first bottle that read ‘BONER PILLS’ bluntly on the side. Popping one into his mouth and gulping after a drink of water too. “Oh shit!” He remarked as an instant tent was pitched in his pants as the pill showed tremendous effects. Making him quickly shove down his pants so that his fat, and lengthy enough cock could spring free. Much to the gasps of the cartoon women as they stared at his pole.

“W-Well! I can see the proof of your research right here!” April blushed. “Perhaps we can see a demonstration of how effective your pills are? F-For the viewers at home of course, I mean.” She claimed as she stared at his big dick.
“Oh, it’s wonderful… Far bigger and thicker than my husband…” Jessica shamelessly said as she stepped off from the bed. 
“Well of course we require a full on demonstration of what our new products can do.” Nurse said with a nod. “If you wouldn’t mind joining us, Miss O’Neil? We certainly need this to be very hands on.” She said, as April nodded and put down her microphone.
“Fuck yeah… Three fucking cartoon hotties ready to suck on this big fucking dick!” Hohn grinned as he watched the trio approach. The pills still in arms reach to his side while the women kneeled in front of him.