Current Build

V3.6 “Firsts”

  • Best Friend hangout (After): Aka Jamie’s Taste Test.
    • Have Jamie Relationship raised through events, then trigger a best friend hangout at night in the usual spot. 
    • This is the lowest priority event in the hangout chain, so if any others are available they will play first.
  • Zeleshi’s Loss.
    • Continue Orcwife quest, will need more of all three of the related items. 
    • Correct item for next two are randomized, just pay attention to what she’s doing and it should be clear.
  • Izzy/Janna at the Matron Hole. Need to have seen the related Best friend hangout to trigger.
  • A harpy feather will very infrequently spawn in the grove so people who want nothing to do with Green after her intro can still gather enough to do The orcwife route. Re-spawns on a 6-7 night timer, because I don’t respect people who don’t like Green.
  • Jamie can be found in or around their house in the evenings for a repeatable pass time +2 relationship trigger.
  • New Best friend hangout (Llus).
  • Kasa now has standing VN art.
  • New Jamie sprite that properly matches their clothes/hair.
  • The lipstick that appears in the Allen matron hole scene now has some randomness to it’s colors.
  • Zeleshi’s spooky story about Maria in her adventuring days now has some mood art.
  • Downshifted the position of some stumps so they look better as chairs.
  • Fixed a bug where if you rejected Llus’ first advances it locked you out of her content forever without warning. It now just becomes an option when teleporting
  • Fixed a bug wherein sufficiently high steal crashed the mushroom catching minigame
  • Fixed a bug where leaving without a scene at the matron wall left the image on screen.