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Jan 26, 2022 09:29 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Comic Book Details and Purchase Information
Three Jason-style comic books are also available for purchase. All are downloadable immediately at the $100 site membership level.
Otherwise, each comic may be obtained in exchange for $20 worth of site membership that is not used for BB combatant set unlocks. For example, if you are a member at the $5 level, you may "save up" four months of site membership fees in exchange for one comic. Send me a SunscribeStar private message, or e-mail me at Here is a description of the available comics:
"Splatter - Amazons vs. Mutants." 225 pages long, this epic comic imagines a post-nuclear apocalypse world where hot women do battle against evil male mutants. Extremely violent (many dozens of scantily-clad women are shot to death) with considerable non-consensual XXX-content.
"Bizarre Battles - Volume 1." 75 pages long, this anthology tells three unrelated stories, each featuring lots of hot women getting shot to death. "Amazons vs. Mutants" is a short story that was later expanded into the epic-length comic detailed above. "No Escape" has rival groups of women battling in a maze, for the entertainment of the viewers. "The Pool Party" imagines a massacre of topless teens enjoying an after-school frolic. "The Pool Party" also comes as a bonus stand-alone comic that has an additional page with non-consensual XXX-content.
"Escape from Fortress Totenkopf." 85 pages long, this unfinished comic (due to a badly-timed computer crash) follows the escape of a captured American soldier from the bowels of a Nazi fortress, who is forced to carve a bloody path through waves of fanatical Nazi women. Once again, dozens of hot women are shot to death. There is no sexual content in this comic.
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