Bizarre Battles - Game Basics and Demo Download
Bizarre Battles (BB) is a turn-based strategy game, where each game piece represents one person (typically a hot woman), together with any weapons, clothing, and other equipment she might be carrying. Battles are very detailed, with each square representing 6 feet, each turn representing 10 seconds, and 220 separate hit locations being recognized. Line of sight rules limit sighting and attacks by terrain. Weapons range from ancient (swords/spears/bows), through 19th and 20th century gunpowder weapons, and futuristic blaster weapons. BB can be played Human vs. Computer, Computer vs. Computer, or a mix of the two (with the Player controlling some but not all friendly forces).

The Version 1.31.3 Demo can be downloaded here (this download has all game files, needing only the purchase of license files to unlock certain features) (2.2Gb compressed .rar file):
After completing the download, you will need to decompress the compressed .rar file. This can be done via numerous free utilities easily found online (WinRAR being a good option). Once decompressed, click on one of the three Application files to play the game. Note that the 1600x1200 Hi-Res mode has the best quality, but may be incompatible with many newer systems.
Sample game play videos can be watched here:
Bizarre Battles Computer Game - YouTube
Video Tutorials can be downloaded here:
(1) Basic Gameplay (31 minutes - NSFW)
(2) Selecting Combatants for Battles (13 minutes)
(3) Intermediate Gameplay (32 minutes - NSFW)
(4) Creating Images for Custom Combatants (9 minutes)
BB also includes numerous design and Campaign elements:
- Quick Start battles, allowing a new player to jump right in and start fighting.
- Team Builder module, to assemble teams of preferred combatants, assign weapons and clothing, design custom outfits, and even add custom characters.
- Battle Builder module, allowing infinite combinations of maps, weapons, combatants, clothing, and other parameters.
- Campaign module, allowing not only the linking of battles, but also promotions, wound recovery, gathering of intelligence, provision of supplies, and more.
PURCHASE. Site membership at the $20, $25, $75, or $100 level is required to purchase the full BB game (which unlocks all game features). Additional combatant sets (each of 110 women) are available at the $5 level and higher. Once you have purchased the game, you are entitled to all BB future updates at no additional charge. However, current members of this site will have 30-day early access to all updates before non-members.