Comic Release: Just For You (Chapter 17)

Plot: This is a story about a mother called Margaret, and her son called Richard. Both are very close to each other. Their relationship is so special. They have a peaceful life, but nothing remains the same for a long time. 
Will they be able to regain their peaceful life again?
Language: English

Attachments: PDF format and image viewer (Zip) format.

NOTE:-  Dear friends, I have started adding animation to the comic. Wish me luck so that I can do this for every future release :). Anyway in this release, please note that:

- For PDF readers: You will find the "PDF version" zip folder. It has the pdf file and the videos. While reading the pdf, at the right moment you will find a page that then asks you to watch which video.

- For Images readers: You will find the "Images Version" zip folder. It has images and videos altogether. The videos are arranged in the right order. You just need to scroll the images until you see a video.

Best Regards