Welcome! (Please don't subscribe - I'm not currently active)

First post! It's quite an exciting moment for me and I wanted to take the opportunity to explain more about what you, as a subscriber, can expect from me without overcomplicating the reward tiers.

Flagship Stories
Get eyes on these stories first! They'll tend to revolve around the world of my current characters and range from SFW to NSFW, some including guest stars while others do not. I release one story (of at least 2000 words) every month here, making them publicly available on FurAffinity on a one month delay.

Your Character Here + Commission Early Access
With the exception of Milestone Events hosted on Furaffinity, all YCHs will be exclusively offered through SubscribeStar for 48 hours before becoming open to the public. Completed YCHs and commissions will also have exclusive upload to SubscribeStar for one week before upload to FurAffinity. YCHs tend to range from 1500-2500 words.

Guest Stars
Joining the Discord will give you the chance to have your characters make an appearance in flagship stories! Character slots will be separately listed along with the content they will involve so you can pick which raffles you want to be part of and which ones you'd rather stay out of!


In regards to polls, for the time being, I only have plans for these to relate to the content of flagship stories. You'll get to vote from a select pool of ideas and the winning option will go into development for the next flagship story to be uploaded.

You will get early access to every collaboration work I do with artists or other writers. There's no set timing for when this will happen or how often but I'm very excited to get the opportunity and will reach out when I see one.

Suggestions and Feedback
This isn't exactly a reward but the Discord has a dedicated space for suggestions and feedback which goes towards things within the server as well as regarding operations here. What you have to say is much appreciated and will be discussed!

I hope to expand this SubscribeStar with further rewards as it grows! Thank you so much for your support <3 You can check out my public works on my FurAffinity!