Stopping subscriptions & thank-you gifts!

Heya! Most of you will know I've been considering this for a while, but I've decided it's time to stop using subscribestar for ongoing subscriptions. It was a great incentive for me to draw during 2021, but as my life starts to reopen, the feeling of obligation to give people their money's worth no longer feels like the best motivator for me. 

I'll be changing all my existing subscribers' prices to $0 for a few weeks so you can still see everything and download anything private that you want to keep. I don't see any reason to delete stuff as I might try Subscribestar again in the future.

I can only do something small, but I wanted to give each of you who subscribed a token of thanks for your support last year. In an effort to be 100% on brand and also finish before 2023, I'm offering tiny one-character sketches of fairies designed in your honor. They can be cute, lewd, vorish, whatever simple thing you like within my normal rules. If you'd like one, just let me know if you have a plant/bug/fungus/etc for me to base them off, and how you'd like to see them (a mouth or internals are fine, still only counts as 1 character.

This applies to former subscribers as well. Subscribestar doesn't give me a way to contact you if you've cancelled your subscription, but feel free to reach out to me some other way, just let me know what you SubscribeStar username is so I can look you up!