On Trackless Seas

Chapter 09

Nia sat in her small dining room eating breakfast, the room typically reserved for family, friends, or when she just wanted to eat alone in peace. After a sleepless night spent with Inumi preparing an official rebuke for the kingdom of Ermonde, planning out how to resolve the massive succession crisis she was about to kick off in that kingdom, and finally coming to terms with the fact that it would just be simpler to leave the traitors to freeze and deal with the succession issue one they had relocated, she was feeling pretty miserable.
She had snuck a glance at a mirror in passing on her way down to breakfast and she looked awful. Her hair was a mess, her dress from the night before was rumpled and hung on her like a sack, she had dark circles under her eyes, and her normally pale complexion looked ghastly. Also, a careful sniff of herself revealed she stank of stale sweat, likely from her panic at last night's disaster of a dinner followed by hours of stewing in worry.
I need a bath and rest. Just let me sleep a full day. The empire can survive for that long without me.
The door to the dining room opened and closed, promoting Nia to look up from her plate. Striding across the room, she found her best friend a study in contrasts from herself.
Visa's dress clung to her curves in a way Nia envied and most definitely did not look like a burlap sack. Her hair was straight and not a strand out of place from where it ran over her horns and down her back. Her eyes were bright and chipper and her complexion, normally as fair as Nia, had a healthy rosy hue to it—in fact, Nia would say she glowed. Instead of being held down by the weight of duty, Visa was practically walking on air.
Limping on air.
She's walking bowlegged. I didn't realize the ride last night affected her that much.
Something about that niggled at Nia's mind, but it wasn't until her friend sat down in front of her with a hiss of pain but a supremely self-satisfied look that it clicked.
She kept her mouth shut until Visa had a chance to place an order with the maid and the help had left the room.
"You didn't."
Visa's smile could light up a room. "We did. I've won, Nia. But don't worry, it's not a race."
Nia frowned, turning her gaze back to her food. She might have attacked her eggs with a bit more force than they were due.
"I'm happy for you." The words tasted like ash in her mouth.
Visa stood from her seat, picked up the chair closest to Nia, and placed it directly beside her. Easing herself down, Visa pulled Nia into a hug. "Oh Nia, you know I'm just playing. I don't mean to rub your nose in it more than a little friendly teasing, that's all. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get your chance soon."
"Mn," the blonde hummed noncommittally.
Visa sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, Kyle wanted to see you last night. He would have, if I hadn't stopped him." Nia shot her friend a betrayed look.
"Don't give me that look. Aren't you still the girl who always said that you would rather deal with chores first so you could play uninterrupted, without the prospect of them looming over you head the entire time?"
Eyeing Nia with a knowing look, Visa continued. "I know you, Nia. I know you needed to deal with the Ermonde situation while it was still fresh. Both because it's what the empire needed and because it's what you needed as a person—to feel in control and remind yourself that you aren't helpless."
Nia sighed, glaring at her friend before turning back to her plate. "Stop being right. That is a royal order."
Visa smiled. "That is an order I will happily refuse, your highness."
"Off with her head," Nia grumbled. She fell silent as the maid returned with a plate of food, a basket of fresh baked bread, and a pat of butter.
"Thank you. Please wait outside," Visa asked of the maid and, when Nia nodded, the older Eru woman smiled and nodded her agreement.
"Of course. Call if you need anything, your highness, your holiness."
As soon as the maid left, Nia turned her attention to Visa. "If you're going to gloat, at least go into detail."
"Of course," Visa agreed with a beaming smile. She looked every bit the young woman with a new lover. Nia felt a pang of jealousy, but comforted herself that it wouldn't be much longer before she had her opportunity.
"How should I describe it?" Visa hummed thoughtfully. Eventually, she settled on, "It was a religious experience." Nia threw her a flat look. "I've never felt something so powerfully moving. It reduced me to tears. I was left undone, but I felt so fulfilled, so compete. I still feel that way. And right there at the end, our souls reached out and embraced one another."
"That's very flowery, but—"
"No, Nia, my love," Visa smiled patiently. "I meant that quite literally. It's fading, but I can still feel him even now. In fact, he should be here momentarily. I doubt he'll stay long, though."
Nia made to protest, but the door opened and Kyle stepped through a moment later. He looked over them, pausing on Nia's form with a frown. "Good morning."
"A good morning to you as well, Lord husband," Visa practically sang.
Kyle smiled and, to Nia's surprise, didn't correct her. Instead, he made his way over to the table. "Smells good," he said, picking up a slice of bread. "Ooh, yeast bread. Nice."
Nia watched as he buttered the bread and began to eat. "So, what are you two up to today?" he asked between bites.
Visa spoke before Nia had a chance. "First, I'm going to hustle Nia off to the bath, then tuck her into bed. Then I suppose I'll take care of some duties with the church. Break the news of Ermonde and ask that the clergy say few prayers for them."
"I am not a child," was Nia's surly protest.
Kyle sighed. "Nia, I say this as your friend. You look like shit. Like you're only conscious because you're too stubborn to pass out in your eggs. You're not doing anyone any good in your current condition. Let Visa take care of you. Go get cleaned up and get some rest. The empire won't catch fire if you take a day off. Tomorrow, we'll record that message to broadcast everywhere else and we can stay in Erulona until it's time to leave."
The blonde Eru woman grumbled a quiet, "Fine."
Nodding, Kyle asked, "So, what were you two talking about when I walked in? Looked interesting."
Nia and Visa exchanged a look, the blonde begging her friend not to say with her eyes. Visa turned back and sent her lover a smile. "Just plans for the future. Do you have an idea of where we'll start looking for somewhere to resettle?"
Humming, the man nodded thoughtfully. By the look on his face, he was clearly speaking with what Visa called his angel. Both of them had spoken with Alice before through a 'hologram,' but the angel was too busy tending to her vessel to speak long.
"Yeah, maybe. This entire galaxy is abnormally full of planets that either definitely already have life or might have it. Seriously, before meeting you, my people thought we were alone in the universe. And yet, here's a galaxy with at least three different sentient species based on information Alice gathered before she started working on her upgrade. Finding an unclaimed planet that will support life shouldn't be a problem."
Finishing off his slice of bread, Kyle grabbed two more and put a thick piece of cold ham and some cheese between them. They had both thought that someone has size would eat more than the typical Eru, but the human really packed away a prodigious amount of food. He had said something by way of explanation before about it, that his new form required more sustenance to fuel his power.
"But just in case there is trouble, we should prepare. There's not really much you can do yet. Alice is already working on the Whisper, which leaves me and getting used to this new body. I really need to figure out these psyker powers, soon." Hesitating briefly, he looked at Visa, "Want to help me practice later?"
"Of course," the horned woman nodded. Squeezing Nia against her side, she added, "Perhaps Nia would like to join us for that?"
Kyle raised an eyebrow and eyed the pair. At Nia's blush, he rolled his eyes. "It's not anything lewd."
"No, just the most intimate thing you'll ever experience."
Kyle opened his mouth to protest, then closed it slowly with a shrug. "Okay, yeah. It really is. Probably something she might want to do on her own, actually."
Nia looked between her best friend and the man they were both interested in. Visa hummed before nodding once. "Yes, you're right. We can try that later. Now, be off with you. We still have things to discuss and we can both see you're eager to get out and play."
Moving around the table, Kyle leaned down and planted a kiss on Visa's lips. Nia didn't have time to feel left out before he turned and pecked her lips as well. Gathering up his sandwich, he headed for the door. "Oh, right. Movie night tonight? You can invite your friend."
Visa clapped happily in her chair. "Yes! That fantasy movie you were telling us about, with the tall Eru and Eru with furry feet!"
Kyle snorted quietly. "Elves and hobbits. Also dwarves. Pretty sure you'd get lynched on Earth for getting that wrong. But yeah, I suppose we could do that. Alice picked up the extended cuts, so that's something like twenty four hours of runtime. Have to spread it out over a few nights."
"We look forward to it, Lord husband."
Kyle tossed a wave over his shoulder and left. As soon as the door closed, Visa turned back to Nia. "And there is your opportunity. We can all spend some quality time together relaxing and then, when the night is over, I can hustle Inumi out and you'll have your chance."
"I think it's too soon," Nia sighed. "I want to, but I need to hand everything over—"
"Are you willing to lose a little more sleep?"
Nia nodded hesitantly. Visa took her hands and stood, pulling Nia from her seat and leading her to the door. Outside, she turned to the maid. "Please send for Inumi. We'll be in the bath."
"She just got to sleep," Nia protested as the maid hurried off.
"She'll understand. Let's get you cleaned up. You can take a short nap after while Inumi handles the paperwork and I take care of things with the church. This afternoon, we'll rush through the process of turning the empire over to your brother. Then tonight… Fufufu."
Nia sighed as she allowed herself to be pulled along. "Very well. But only because I would rather do this now than put it off and cause problems with the transition."
Inumi was not pleased to be rolled out of bed after only three hours of sleep. In payment, she demanded details of Visa's night with Kyle, along with taking the 'duty' of washing Nia all for herself.
Once Nia was cleaned and bedded down for a nap, Inumi began the task of preparing the empire for its second transition of rulers within her lifetime. She began by contacting her sister Inuri, who had been assigned to Nia's brother much as Inumi had to Nia. Their family had been in service to the royal family for generations and by now, it was routine to try and conceive children around the same time as the royal couple so that their aids would be of similar age.
She had her father rushed into the palace and consulted him on what she needed to do to make the transition swift and legal. Working together with his previous experience with a very similar situation from when Nia's parents retired from the position, they were able to finish everything up within a few hours.
Visa joined them around lunch with a recently awakened and much better looking Nia. Kyle joined them shortly thereafter. It was only Inumi's second time meeting the man in person and he had much the same effect on her now as he had then, especially now that she'd heard Visa describe the things they had done in detail.
They spoke over lunch before moving off to a quiet room in the palace. There, Empress Eruzonia and Popess Dravis gave a speech to an audience of two, imploring them to prepare for the Great Pilgrimage. When it was done, Kyle informed them that it would 'go live' tonight and broadcast until every city, town, and village on Eruvia had heard the message.
Then, they were met by Nia's brother and Inumi's sister. In the same way the first message had been 'recorded,' the three of them acted out transferring the rulership of Erulona. Within the hour, Empress Eruzonia ceded the throne and emperor Erude ascended the throne with the blessing of the Popess.
Of course, Nia didn't exactly step down. In fact, in the next moments after the Emperor accepted the crown, Kyle joined the trio on the stage. He congratulated the Emperor on his coronation before turning his attention to the two women there.
Then, with a few words, Popess Dravis became Holy Mother Dravis—effectively a step above her previous position. Where the Popess was concerned with dealing with matters of religion for the Eru, the Holy Mother would handle all religious matters as they concerned God and his dealings with the Eru.
Together with the new Holy Mother, they then ascended Eruzonia to the position of Speaker for the Eru, with the authority of God putting her at the head of all matters of state as concerns their dealings with God. In other words, she would be the ultimate authority for the Eru, beyond even emperors and empresses, regardless of nation.
Inumi didn't know how well this was going to work, to be honest. But with the relocation and resettlement, and Kyle as the final say in anything to do with it, she had a feeling they would be able to force it through.
It's either that, or freeze.
There was sure to be some unrest, people opposed to the unilateral appointments, but with the force of God—even if he claimed he was not a god—backing them, chances were good that the commoners would accept it on the whole. It was only the nobility and royals that would be a problem.
With the recording played above the capitol and every city and village, followed by playing after the first broadcast everywhere else, the news would spread instantly. That still amazed Inumi, the fact that information could be sent and received within the same day, the same hour even. It gave her hope, these glimpses into the bright future their Lord was leading their people into, from the disaster it could have been.
"So, we done here?" Kyle's voice pulled her from her thoughts.
"I believe we are, captain," Nia answered with a smile. From her tone, Inumi could tell she enjoyed using that word where their Lord was concerned.
"Wait, no, that—Sister, you can't just drop everything in my lap with no notice and bugger off!" Erude complained.
"I surely can, little brother," Nia countered. "As your Speaker, I order you to carry on in my stead."
Visa laughed and even Inumi shared a chuckle at the siblings' usual bickering. Kyle headed for the door, announcing that he was going to take a bath, and then they could have movie night.
What is that, I wonder? Nia and Visa have been secretive about it.
Inumi was invited and there was no way she would turn down spending time with Nia, so she supposed she would find out sooner rather than later.
The group parted ways, her sister and the new emperor heading off to get settled in to their new offices, the rest of them heading off to gather food for tonight—finger foods that could be eaten without much mess, fresh squeezed juice for Kyle, and wine for the rest of them.
Inumi kept one of her large ears on the conversation between Nia and Visa while she turned her mind towards what she would need to do next. With Nia's new position, she had a feeling that her own work load had just increased. However, she had no idea what being part of Kyle's crew would entail. He and Nia had apparently sat down and hashed it out, but she had yet to share that information with Inumi.
Inumi's thin lips pulled into a small frown as they entered the hallway closest to the kitchen. Foot traffic was higher here usually, but at the moment only a single maid walked the wall in the direction they had come from. Something seemed wrong, but she couldn't put her fingers on it.
It was only when they were nearly on top of the maid that she realized what it was. Inumi was the closest thing to Eruzonia's personal spy in the palace, on top of everything else she did. She knew all the staff, either because they had been inherited from her father's time in her position or because she had chosen them herself. This woman was not one of her father's hires nor one of her own.
Inumi tensed, moving between the newly appointed Speaker and the maid. In the same instant, the maid drew a stiletto and lunged for Nia. Inumi whimpered when the thin dagger punched its way between her ribs on the right side of her chest. Desperately, she latched onto the weapon and the hand holding it with all of her quickly fading strength.
Nia's shout cut off as Visa punched the maid for all she was worth, dragging her to the ground in a flurry of pounding fists and knees as she screamed wordlessly in fury. Inumi was pretty sure that the knife coming out of her as it had was almost as bad as when it went in.
Her entire world was pain, centered on her ribs. She tasted blood. It was so hard even to just breathe. Inumi's strength failed her and she collapsed, but Nia was there to catch her and ease her down to the ground.
Ah. Well… If I'm to die here, at least it's with the people I love.
The thump of heavy boots was just audible over Nia's sobbing and Visa's angry shouting. Looking up from Nia, Inumi found Kyle approaching at a run, his hair wet from the bath.
I think I would have liked to share Nia's dream of the four of us together.
Inumi's vision went black and she knew no more.