On Trackless Seas

Chapter 08

A low susurrus of conversation filled the dining room, dying down to whispers as we filed in, Eruzonia on my right hand and Dravis on my left. The room was large, even by Earth standards, and was packed with Eru. So packed that with the heat of so many bodies, the candle light, and the natural climate of this kingdom that even with premature fall setting in outside it was stuffy and the air felt heavy and hard to breathe.
The nation of Ermonde was on the southern border of Erulona, at the ass end of Nia’s domain. It was equatorial and the climate and vegetation showed it, being what one could politely call tropical but I preferred to call hellish.
Seriously, I had lived in subtropics for thirty odd years and this place made me miserable even with the cool breeze coming out of the north. I didn’t see how the locals could stand it, let alone Nia and Visa. But according to them, it was pleasant and the northern part of the kingdom, what I considered comfortable, was ‘chilly’ even in summer. Differences in body mass, I suppose. Something to note for the Whisper’s winter cycle.
As to why we were attending a banquet, that was because the queen of Ermonde insisted. Normally, when one of her subordinates had ‘insisted’ on such matters in the past, Nia had politely reminded them of the situation, how pressed for time we were, and their place in the royal pecking order. That is, politely told them to stop trying to give the empress orders.
That hadn’t worked this time though, due to some political scheming involving some old laws from back when Ermonde was first integrated into the empire. They had a right to have their grievances heard by the sitting head of state and since they were so far away from the capitol and Nia was here now, they were taking advantage.
Nia felt they were just intentionally wasting time, using the old law to put pressure on us in order to get a better deal for themselves. Visa agreed, after speaking with her people in the church. It was frustrating, but we couldn’t do much about it.
Well, no. I could. I could just abscond with Nia and Visa in the middle of the night and ride off back to the capitol. It was a perfectly viable strategy and, given my position as a ‘god,’ my will superseded their laws. Nia wanted to avoid that and show that she was willing to hear them out, so I deferred to her judgment for the moment.
“Right this way,” the maid who had been escorting us showed us to the head table and three seats prepared for us, little placards before each denoting who was to sit where; Nia closest to the head of the table, Visa next, and then myself.
My chair was Eru-sized, so I made do with the usual and converted my coat into a human-sized model, moving the smaller chair away from the table. The table itself was lower than a standard human table, so I wound up having to adjust my chair down. It was uncomfortable sitting so low, but I would manage for a while.
Nia completely ignored the prepared order and sat us down as we were. The maid looked flustered at this, but obviously couldn’t tell the empress that she needed to obey the queen’s plans here. I felt kind of sorry for her, really. The staff didn’t typically have much to do with their employer’s actions.
There was some murmuring from the crowd, but they began seating themselves. Nia leaned closer from my right and motioned me down. I tilted my head down closer and felt her lips brush my ear.
“It’s a power play. Petty, but the most Mondy can get away with. See how she’s seated us closer to the middle of the table instead of one side or the other? The names on the nearest placards are her husband and advisors, while on the opposite end are the local nobles, likely her staunchest supporters. We are neither trusted enough to sit at her side, respected enough to sit opposite her, or honored enough for her to give up the head seat.”
“Sounds like bullshit,” I whispered back. “Are you just giving them enough rope to hang themselves?”
Nia nodded. “It is, and I am. I do love your Earth sayings. What is almost more worrying is showing the same blatant lack of respect to Visa and outright disregard of yourself. That speaks of deeper problems. The leader of a nation with a state religion generally does not go out of their way to aggravate the head of said religion, or the person that head has determined to be their savior, prophet, or god—whether they truly believe or not.”
I turned a look on the dark haired woman to my left. Visa simply shook her head. So, she didn’t know what was going on either.
Everyone was seated and eventually, the queen and her husband joined us. The Eru man was completely unremarkable, brown hair and watery blue eyes, with a face I would forget five minutes after leaving his presence. The woman was pretty but nothing special, with mid-length light brown hair and dark, almost black eyes. He looked lost while she looked like there was a bit of shit under her nose, especially when she saw how we had disregarded the seating arrangements.
“Intentionally made us wait, to send a message,” Nia murmured for my benefit.
Servants began filing out as the queen and her husband were seated, bearing bottles of what looked like wine and trays of finger food. A new maid approached us and began to pour our drinks.
Yeah, Alice?
I held a hand over my glass and waved the woman off. “None for me, thanks. I don’t drink alcohol.”
You know how you complain that I’m always in your head?’
The maid nodded and moved on to fill Nia’s glass.
I’m also always running your sensor suite, whether it outputs to your HUD or not.’
Where are you going with this?
Once she was finished, the maid took the bottle with her. I frowned as I noticed the others at the table had bottles left with them. Probably just another snub.
I’m detecting cyanide in the wine.’
Not just another snub, then.
Yeah, okay. Nope. I have had it up to here (mental image of me raising my hand up above my head) with this place. And Alice?
Yes, captain?’
Sorry I doubted you.
I leaned over to first Nia then Visa. “Wine’s poisoned,” I whispered to each of them.
I-it’s… It’s okay, captain. I understand your concerns.’
Nope. I’ve been an asshole to you because I was afraid you’d gone all Stepford Skynet on me. I’ll make it up to you when I’m back aboard. However you want.
As you wish, captain.’
The pinging of metal against crystal drew the everyone’s attention to the head of our table, where the queen had stood.
“Your attention, everyone!” Queen Mondy called, and after a moment the quiet conversations in the dining room died down. “Tonight, we have as our guests of honor, Empress Eruzonia, Popess Dravis, and our… Lord Wright.”
I didn’t miss how she hesitated at the title, but while I didn’t particularly care (seeing as I had other things on my mind at the moment), I could hear Visa’s teeth grinding.
“I’d like to propose a toast, in their honor.” She raised her glass. “To the beginning of a new era.”
I stood from my seat, putting on a foolish grin. “That sounds wonderful, Queen Ermonde! In the interests of bringing us all closer together, I’d like to propose a tradition we have where I’m from.”
It was a long-standing, time honored tradition I made up on the spot, but she didn’t need to know that. Taking up Nia’s glass, I made my way up to her end of the table, my stride eating up the space quickly and not giving her time to figure out a way to politely decline.
I was entirely done here. This bitch, or someone close to her, had tried to poison the women I had grown fond of over the past months. I was going to figure out who did it and, depending on the circumstances, someone might catch a bullet. So, I’d pull the standby from the Princess Bride.
Turning to face the gathered nobles, merchants, and citizens I lied, “It’s been a gesture of hospitality, friendship, and trust among my people to exchange glasses at the toast since ancient times. Typically, this is done between either rulers, or the husbands or wives of rulers.”
The queen’s face had paled at those words and paled further as I turned to her husband—pretty much cementing her culpability in my mind. “Sir, would you do like to do the honors?”
The queen’s husband smiled wide and stood, taking his glass up and proffering it to me. “It would be my pleasure, Lord.”
We exchanged glasses, Queen Mondy following my glass—Nia’s glass—with her eyes the whole way. “Cheers,” I grinned, turning back my glass. It wasn’t awful, but I would still rather drink water.
“Cheers!” The little man agreed, bringing his glass to his lips.
The clatter of fine crystal shattering on marble was like a gunshot in the room and all eyes fell on the queen, her hand outstretched where it had knocked the glass from her husband’s hand.
“Dear?” the man asked, confusion written on his face. She quickly pulled her hand back, face setting in a glare she turned on me.
“I’m sure her hand just slipped. Don’t worry though, we have another. And I’m sure it won’t slip this time.”
I stretched out my hand towards where Visa was sitting and gasps filled the room as her wine glass flew across the table and into my hand. Not a drop was spilled, and I offered it to my victim—that is, demonstration partner. If possible, the queen had paled even further.
Yeah, dumbass—I might not be a god, but I’m a damn sight closer than you.
This time, the queen didn’t bother trying to knock it away, she just reached out to pluck it from her husband’s hand. I stopped her by grabbing her hand around the wrist. She tried to jerk away, but even as a base human it would be like a child trying to get away from their patent.
“Is there a problem, your highness? Or did you want to drink this one yourself? I’m sure we can track down that special bottle you had delivered and get you a glass if you like. One for you, your husband, and your two lovely daughters.”
“Bastard!” The woman hissed. “Release me!”
Taking a knee to bring myself to her level, I jerked her in close and pressed my lips up against her ear. “Confess now, give up any co-conspirators you’ve worked with, and I’ll forgive this attempt on our lives. Only those responsible will suffer. Do not and you can all freeze. Your choice.”
“You are no god and that woman can rot in hell. Guards!”
Sighing, I pushed myself to my feet as armored Eru poured into the room bearing spears. Nia and Visa quickly joined me and a telekinetic yank and mental command had my chair flying across the room and reshaping into my coat. I pulled the smart matter armor on and drew my hilt.
The guards stopped when the hilt in my hand expanded into a glaive with much greater reach than their own weapons. “Nia, Visa, we’re leaving.” I flicked the weapon at the guards and they jerked back. “Move.”
“They tried to poison the royal consort! Kill them!” the queen shrieked.
Negotiations broke down as the armored Eru rushed us. A telekinetic shove sent them flying across the room and falling into guests and tables. I retracted the glaive and pocketed the hilt before grabbing both the Eru women with me and breaking into a sprint.
A few Eru tried to throw themselves into my path, but I either punted or launched them away. A flash of light from the main doors leading out of the room temporarily blinded everyone looking in that general direction who didn’t have enhanced eyes that could compensate for the glare, followed by a sound I didn’t think I’d ever hear again—a droning brrrt that rattled the teeth. The roar of full-auto fire from something capable of spitting out hundreds of rounds per second. It sounded a little different, being that it was a railgun and not chemically propelled rounds, but it still warmed my heart to see it had much the same effect here. Namely, Eru pissing themselves in instinctive fear as they recoiled away from the doors while the hallway outside was shredded.
The hover bike slid to a stop just outside the doors. I threw Visa and Nia on before climbing on myself. Pointing the nose at the hole Alice had made with the guns for a quick exit since the halls were too narrow to turn around and leave the way it came in, I gunned it and took off.
“That could have gone better!” Visa called from behind me, over the sound of wind around the shields.
“Nia, we’re fucking done with this! No more running around and talking to everyone. We’re going to record a message and use the drones to broadcast it to every other nation. If they heed it, great. If not, we’ll teleport them up without supplies and they’ll have to make do.”
Nia didn’t respond, having fallen silent. When I didn’t get an answer, I turned my attention to Alice.
What’s your ETA?
I am finished growing enough of my biological smart matter expansion to activate the facilities needed to house the Eru, but none of my other planned upgrades. I have enough hypermatter hull plating to cover most of it. I estimate another month if I do only what it takes to get us out. If need be, I can make planetfall to continue growing this expansion and forge the rest of my hull armor in another system.’
That’s the plan, then. We’re getting out of here before some idiot tries to put a knife in Nia’s ribs next. They’re damn lucky I don’t ask you to nuke the site from orbit, just to be sure.
I can’t launch missiles at the moment captain, but I’m sure a few drones could pull an asteroid into a decaying orbit and aim it with a 99% accuracy rating. With enough mass, the kinetic energy could be in the megaton range. With that sort of blast, a difference of a kilometer or two is still close enough.’
Don’t tempt me right now, Alice. Just leave them to freeze. When we go, leave the nobles. Spare the children, though.
Understood, captain.’
We made it back to the capitol with just a few hours to go before dawn, the rest of the flight having been spent in silence. Sure, I could have cranked the bike up to hypersonic flight and got us there within the hour, but I felt like Nia needed some time to think.
When I set us down in the courtyard, Nia dismounted wordlessly and hurried inside. Frowning, I started to follow after her, but Visa took my hand. Looking down at the other woman, I found her smiling up at me.
“Let us retire for the night, Kyle. I’m sure Nia will be fine.” I sent her a skeptical look, but allowed her to pull me along after molding her body against my arm. “Trust me. She needs to work through this herself.”
We entered the halls of the palace and Visa continued quietly, “Nia has never faced a betrayal like this before, let alone an assassination attempt.”
“All the more reason I should—”
“Do nothing,” Visa interrupted. “Think of it as though there were two of her, my Lord. Eruzonia, the empress and Nia, the woman. Does Nia, need us? Certainly. But right now, the empress must decide what to do about this attack. The needs of the state must come before the needs of the person. It pains me to know this, truly it does, but it is something I’ve had to come to terms with. It applies to my own station at times, too. Thankfully, this is not one of those times. And I assume that if it hasn’t already, then one day it will apply to yours as well.”
Visa lead me through now familiar corridors towards the room I had been assigned for the duration of my stay. Just down from Nia’s personal quarters. Amusingly, in the room typically assigned for a royal consort or mistress—not that Nia had one, and her parents hadn’t used it for that purpose. “I imagine right now she’s already rousing Inumi from the bed and preparing an official condemnation of Ermonde and their queen. Normally, it would mean a civil war, but with things as they stand, in the end if she asks you to do nothing with them she wins by default.”
I guessed she had the same thought I’d had on the matter. “I’ve already informed Alice to leave the nobles of Ermonde behind, minus their children, when the time comes.”
Visa nodded, stopping in front of my door long enough to unlock it and lead us in. It should tell you how much time we’d been spending behind closed doors together lately that I didn’t even blink when she shut and locked the door behind us. A look around the room drew my eyes to something new.
“Did they actually make a bed my size?”
Humming, Visa made her way over to the bed and inspected it. I followed, testing it a bit when I reached it. It was not as comfortable as my smart matter bed made from my coat, but it was larger. “It looks as though they made a double length frame and just put in two mattresses. What do you think?”
I kicked off my boots, tossed my coat on the Eru-sized desk chair, and flopped down onto the bed. “It’s good enough.”
The electric lighting clicked off and a moment later, I felt the weight of another person climbing into the bed before Visa snuggled up at my side.
“What are you doing?”
I wasn’t exactly opposed to sharing bed space with Visa. I’d taken more than one nap in her lap by now and she occasionally used the opportunity to catch up on her own sleep, but I got the feeling she was angling for more this time.
“Nia will seek us out when she is ready. Until then, there is another woman who would like you to comfort her, Kyle,” Visa answered quietly.
“Oh?” I feigned confusion. “Well then, I’d better go find this mystery woman.”
Visa jammed a finger into my ribs. “She is right here, you great ass. They tried to kill us. I need some reassurance that I’m still alive. Physical reassurance.”
I snorted softly. “That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?”
Visa nodded, before I felt her moving. My eyes amplified the moonlight streaming in through the windows, giving me a magnificent view as Visa slipped out of the little black dress she had worn to the banquet tonight. Her hair spilled out of the style she had pulled it into as she removed the pins holding it into place. She worked the dress down her shoulders and past her hips. I imagined she had trouble wearing anything that had to go over her horns, which explained why everything she wore was either dresses that could be put on from the bottom up or robes that could be closed in one way or another. She tossed the dress to the floor, leaving her completely exposed—apparently, she hadn’t been wearing anything under it.
Her heavy, round breasts swayed hypnotically as she crawled up onto my chest and straddled me, her legs with those deliciously thick thighs ending up wrapped around my stomach as she leaned down and brought our faces closer together. A curtain of dark hair cut us off from the rest of the room as her lips met mine.
When she didn’t press further with the kiss, I remembered that the woman currently ‘seducing’ me had taken her vows of chastity (to god, aka me in her mind) before she’d ever had a chance to gain any experience. My hands found her, enveloping the globes of her breasts as I took the lead and licked at Visa’s small, full lips.
Humming in surprised pleasure, the little woman opened her mouth and I attacked. Visa gasped into my mouth as my tongue slipped past her lips and I began to explore.
She tastes sweet, I mused, getting my first taste of an alien woman and finding I rather enjoyed the flavor. And it wasn’t just a matter of tasting what she had eaten or drank last. No, her mouth and saliva both tasted like nothing I’d ever encountered before. Some sweet, succulent fruit that just made me want to taste more of her.
The horned woman let out a quiet “Fufufu” and began attempting to imitate what I was doing to her, which wound up in our tongues rolling over each other as they fought.
Visa’s fingers clawed at my shirt, trying to get it off. With a thought, the smart matter of my clothes flowed away, reforming on the floor beside the bed and leaving me nude. The heat I had been feeling where she straddled me increased in intensity and grew wet, leaving a slick trail of her arousal on my abs.
“Ara ara,” Visa pulled away long enough to murmur as she felt my bare skin. Then her little fingers began exploring to her heart’s content, sweeping over my pecs, out to my biceps, up to my neck and face, scratching through my beard and hair, all as she began rocking her hips atop me in long, slow strokes.
My own hands were not idle, instead they roamed the small woman’s lush body and drew the occasional intake of breath or appreciative moan from her lips. Her breasts were large and soft in my hands, but still firm and perky despite their (relative) size. Visa’s stomach was smooth, with just a hint of womanly plushness. Her (proportionately) wide hips made an excellent set of hand holds to grab and drag her along my body just that little bit harder, drawing a whimper from her mouth. Thick, toned thighs coiled beneath my hands as she rocked herself, beginning to quiver in excitement. Her ass was plump and muscular, and Visa seemed to appreciate it when I smacked it gently.
Visa wasn’t fat by any means. Aside from the obvious sources I was enjoying and the little bit giving her a nice padding, she had no excess. She was actually pretty well-toned, just not particularly muscular. Fit, without crossing into fitness junkie or grotesque. Given her proportions and build, the word ‘fecund’ best described her. Or ‘short stack.’
My fingers slipped between us, finding the wet patch Visa was leaving and the warm, plump lips there dripping down on my abdomen. Visa’s hips stilled as my fingers brushed her lower lips, but her tongue worked even more fiercely in my mouth.
Just as the images Alice had shown me portrayed, Visa’s body was intimately, eerily human despite our relative sizes (eerie in a ‘how is this possible’ way, not uncanny valley). Her outer lips were bare and fat, already parted in arousal. I found a little fleshy nub right where I expected, causing her body to jerk involuntary when my fingers slid over her clit. Just past her inner lips, I found her slick, hot tunnel—impossibly tight even for just my finger. The only thing missing was a hymen, but I didn’t know if that was natural or not. The Eru were obviously designed as a race, so it was entirely possible that they had been engineered not to have them.
“M-my Lord,” Visa whimpered. “Please.”
I pressed my finger fully into her and stroked her insides, causing her body to clamp down on the digit. She began to shake in my arms and I kissed the side of her mouth, down her jawline to her neck. “Visa, I’m not sure I’m going to fit. Not comfortably, anyway.”
“You—you will!” She insisted. “Inside me, my Lord!”
“Mm not yet. Let’s take this slow and make sure you’re ready first. Don’t want to hurt you.”
“Cruel! My Lord is so cruel,” she whined as I worked away at her.
To be fair, she was right. Sure, I really was taking it slow to make sure I didn’t do any harm to her (because the thought of not going all the way here didn’t even cross my mind, the woman had been slowly teasing me to distraction for months), but I also really enjoyed making her squirm, pant, gasp, and make those adorably needy faces.
She seemed to have a hair trigger, too. Visa came after just a few minutes of gently stroking back and forth inside her, her inner muscles clenching tightly around my finger and a near flood of juices spilling from her quim. The air, already smelling faintly of her arousal, positively filled with her scent: a sweet, light, fruity smell that made my mouth water and my cock throb. It was familiar, too. A scent I had noticed on several occasions around her, but never associated it with her arousal before now. I had always thought it was some perfume she wore, since the Eru didn’t have deodorant yet. That explained a few things, really.
Pulling my finger out of her snatch, to a disappointed sound from the Eru woman atop me, I popped my finger in my mouth.
Fruity and sweet, just like her mouth. Weird. Not acidic at all.
I haven’t had much time to go over all the data, but this fits with what I’ve seen so far. The Eru were engineered with humans in mind.’
I sent the mental impression of a flat look Alice’s way.
But I am entirely too busy building my new hull and cannot possibly spare any CPU cycles to spy on my captain. Oh no, what’s this? I seem to have accidentally broadcast this on our open channel. I apologize captain, I’ll cease the transmission immediately.’
Voyeur, I accused.
Alice’s answer was a mental image of her sticking her tongue out. I decided to ignore her for now. I already had my hands full as it was. I could sort out the yandere ship’s intelligence and her non-standard yandere behavior later.
Shifting Visa against my body a bit, I moved my hand back down and began petting her lips and clit. At the same time, I abandoned her neck (already marked with hickeys) and went for her breasts. Visa’s nipples stood proud and long from her breasts and I sucked one into my mouth.
“Oh! Lord!” The woman cried out, clutching at my head and pulling my face tighter against her bosom. I worked my tongue over the nipple, sucking off and on and occasionally pinching it gently between my teeth. My free hand squeezed her ass while the hand I was using to tease her folds eased a finger back into her, followed by a second.
Feeling like she wouldn’t break if I pushed her a bit, I carefully inserted a third finger and stilled my hand, fingers buried fully in her snatch.
“Nnf!” Visa hissed wordlessly, her whole body trembling in orgasm. Sucking in a ragged breath, she demanded, “More! Shape me to your form. Mark me as yours alone, for all to see!”
Chuckling quietly, I bit down on her nipple before releasing it and sucking the other into my mouth, then I started pumping my fingers into her. Not the gentle stroking of before, when I was not sure she could take it, but hard, deep strokes that did exactly what she wanted: spread her pussy nearly to its limit. Of course, I made sure not to neglect her clit and kept my thumb firmly running back and forth over it as I worked her into a frenzy.
When she came, I finger fucked her harder, stroked her clit just a little faster, and occasionally smacked her ass after giving her just barely enough time to come down off the last orgasm. When Visa was a panting, sweating, shaking mess of little woman on my lap and her cunt’s clenching had been reduced to pitiful, exhausted fluttering, only then did I decide she was ready.
“Visa,” I spoke in her ear. Then, because the temptation was entirely too great, I sucked the sharp little elfin ear into my mouth and nibbled on it. She moaned in my lap as I withdrew my fingers. I then used the wetness on my fingers to get my cock lubed up for her. Sitting up, I settled her in my lap, my massive cock (comparatively and actually, Alice had gone overboard on the redesign and this monstrosity was almost a foot long and the thickness of a Coke can; I honestly have no idea what she was thinking there) resting against her soaked lower lips and between her ass cheeks.
“I’m going to put it in now. Are you ready?” I asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it. I knew she would try even if it was physically impossible at this point.
Her arousal actually cleared enough for her brain to register what it was pressing into her. “So hot,” she moaned, reaching down and grasping at my shaft. A small frown tugged her pretty lips down. “My Lord, that… That is your arm, is it not?”
“Afraid not.”
Violet eyes met my green. Trepidation filled her face as she rose up in my lap, nearly standing by the time she managed to angle my cock to press against her tiny seeming fat little lips. Taking a steadying breath, Visa rocked her hips and the tip popped past her lips, stretching them taut over me.
We both groaned at the sensation, but she was like a woman possessed as she kept slowly rocking her hips back and forth, up and down, going down just a little lower each time. The little woman’s abdomen visibly distended around the girth of my cock as she sank lower and lower, eyes closed in concentration as her inner walls fluttered in futility around the intruder inside her.
“So full. So full,” Visa whispered in a reverent tone, her lips pressing against my own in a desperate kiss as she continued to hilt herself on my shaft.
Eventually, with a little hiccuping sob, Visa seated herself in my lap and I felt myself bottom out inside her. The bottom four inches of my cock were left exposed, but it was the absolute physical limit of the Eru’s ability to accommodate me.
While I can’t claim to have done so often, I have actually bottomed out in human women before. There was that feeling in addition to something new. A little raised fleshy nub brushing against the top and head of my cock. I wondered if it was just a growth, maybe something I’d need to get Alice to look at, but the shape felt familiar.
I-I think that’s a secondary clit,’ Alice provided commentary and put words to what I was feeling. ‘Let’s poke it and see what happens!’
I ignored the implications there for the moment, if only because the stick I’d be using to poke it was my dick and that sounded like a good time.
Carefully, so as to not hurt her, I took Visa’s wide hips in both hands and ground her forward against my cock while at the same time thrusting upwards just a little. The response was immediate as the little horned woman wailed, hands scrabbling desperately against my back as her hips jerked entirely outside of her ability to control. Her fluttering became violent clenching again and I felt a swelling of heat and liquid around my cock, but the seal of my dick plugging her was so tight that none of what was surely a flood of her juices escaped.
Pulling her back and up just a few inches, I brought her back in and down, grinding her outer clit against my pubis and what I was coming to think of as her inner clit against the first inch or two of my dick. Visa buried her face in my shoulder as she continued to wail, her words coming out as sobs as she begged for more. Her arms settled into a death grip around my shoulders and neck while she tried desperately to use her thighs against the bed for leverage to get me to take her harder, but I was much stronger than her and kept our lovemaking to a slow pace that drove her wild and I wasn’t worried may turn her inside out. Prolapse wouldn’t be fun for anyone.
“Papa,” she sobbed out after the third or fourth consecutive orgasm like this. The word had barely left her lips before she stiffened in my arms and pulled her head up from my shoulder, looking up at my face wide-eyed in shame and mortification. “I-I didn’t—”
Smiling down at her, I kissed her lips and wiped away the tears falling from her eyes. I’d been with a woman who got weepy during sex, but Visa took the cake. Releasing her mouth, I moved my lips to her sharp little ear. “It’s okay, Visa.”
That seemed to open the floodgates. She buried her face in my shoulder again and began trying her hardest to ride me faster. I let her this time and she hit her next orgasm quickly. Her voice came out muffled, but she didn’t try to deny what she said. “Papa, I love you. I love you,” she babbled. “Don’t leave me.”
It was at that point I realized just how broken the little woman in my arms was. I’d had all the pieces, but it never clicked before now. And now, she was unraveling in my arms, the masks she wore falling away as she bared herself to me.
“I won’t, Visa,” I murmured into her ear, nipping at the end as I stroked into her a bit harder. “You and Nia are going to be with me for a very long time.”
“Mmf, Nia,” she whimpered. “Later!”
Humming a quiet affirmative, I used her hips to fuck her up and down my cock as she held on for dear life. I could feel myself getting close and Visa was losing steam at this point—I was doing most of the work myself, not that I minded, but I was seriously beginning to think she might be close to ‘fucked into a coma.’ Deciding to give her the option, I asked. “I’m getting close Visa. Do you want it inside, or do you want to swallow?”
“In! Me!” she squealed, her walls clamping down again as her nails dug into my back but didn’t break the skin.
Reach out for her.’
What? Alice, don’t cockblock me here, I warned, thinking she picked a really shitty time to start back seat driving.
With your mind, Kyle. Just try it. You should be able by now.’
I was close, but the machine brain still had a few spare cycles to prod at the meat brain and try to reach towards Visa. It felt like trying to open a set of eyes stuck shut with sleep, but I felt some sort of sense brush against something… And then she was there. Visa’s emotions and surface thoughts slammed into me like a freight train. Love, lust, need, want, awe, reverence, old pain, new joy, rightness, completion—and then surprise as she felt my presence. She immediately latched on and refused to let go. I felt her reaching into my mind as I had hers—fumbling, but gentle. Everything I felt from her turned up to eleven as her mind felt like it melted.
My vision momentarily whited out as I came. The sheer volume felt ridiculous as I pumped myself into the horned Eru’s core, painting her womb white. It was the most intense thing I had ever felt, bar none—enough that it left me shivering all over. Visa went limp in my arms, her whole body quivering and a fucked silly look on her face. When I could remember how to breathe, I lay back, bringing Visa with me. We were still joined below the waist, her quim still sucking so tightly around my cock that it had yet to break the seal and leak beyond a slow trickle of her succulent smelling fluids.
Looking down on her, I found a permanent smile etched onto her face. “You love me,” she whispered, that reverent tone back. “You accept me.”
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t have to. We were still connected by a thread of psyker power. It would fade eventually, but for the moment we both reveled in the sheer, impossible intimacy. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before reaching out telekinetically and pulling the sheets and blanket over us. We slowly drifted to sleep like that in each other’s arms, minds, and bodies.