How many rewards can we expect in the month?
  • It is always a minimum of 5 comic pages per month, 3 for the minicomic, 2 for montly polls.
  • Sometimes I'll do more pages depending on commissions.


Can I suggest the same character every month for the monthly polls, can it be my OC?
  • Yes, you can suggest the same character every month.
  • OCs are not allowed.

Zlime, I joined later in the month and missed my chance to suggest a character!
  • Worry not! you can let me know your suggestion if you missed the chance, I'll save it up  for next month!


I wanted to know, when you say pin-up, does that mean the pictures will involve sex scenes or will the character be solo and just nude?
  • Only the character, maybe with some toys, the amounth of clothing and all the other details are up to me. You'll tell me the character and then I'll just work it out.

How can I let you know my character of choice?
  • Via Discord on the #council-hall channel or by DMs.

Can I make suggestion for the pose and clothing?
  • For the pose, yes! I'll take them into account.
  • For the clothing, yes, but that doesn't mean I'll draw her fully clothed, I may take some items but that's it. Of course if the clothing is overly charged with details i will not draw it.

Can I ask for the same character multiple months in a row?
  • Yes.

Can I request my OC for the pinup?
  • Yes.

Can I suggest the same character of my pin up in the monthly poll?
  • Yes, unless it's an OC.

It is fully guaranteed that I'll get my pin up in the month?
  • If you joined and told me your suggestion before the 10th of that month, yes!
What if i joined after the 10th?
  • You can still let me know your idea, but i will deliver it next month.