Weekly Update for Week of October 3rd

Spooky time.
I actually am quite adverse to horror and creepy stuff. I blame it on my imagination, which tends to run away with ideas and stimuli to spin tales. I think that this is part of my reason for developing a fear of bridges now when I used to have no issues. Too many movies with collapsing bridges and background people falling to their deaths.
I actually wanted to mention my runaway story brain for this update. It certainly looks like I have a lot of work already with five different series ongoing. But those are just the ones I have released chapters for! I have little spurts of story ideas that I feel I have to write in time. I started keeping a list of series ideas around the time I transferred to RoyalRoad. Some of the first ideas on that list are now My Twin Got Summoned Instead, The Last Magician, Portal Trading Company, and The Catalyst.
I have a friend that I've discussed some of my writing with (we also swap light novel and anime recommendations). I mentioned once how I had all these ideas that kept popping into my head. He asked me how I'm able to keep all my ideas within their respective stories. Now, I can't remember how I answered the question then, but the way I'm answering it today is as such: I just do. I suppose I would say that each story I write has its own folder in my brain. If I get an idea, it goes into the respective folder for that story. I may also write it down on my idea list or an outline I have for that particular story, but sometimes the idea is in too early a stage for that.
While this abundance of ideas is probably good from a creative perspective, it isn't so great from a productive perspective. Some days when writing I feel just a particular pull towards a particular story. That's one of the issues I have with keeping a writing schedule. If I'm going to resume a weekly release setup for There's a Hero in the Kingdom, I'm thinking I'm going to need a backlog of completed chapters for moments when the urge to write is on a different idea.
Now for some comments on latest chapters:

Portal Trading Company
My original idea for Story 7 was something almost akin to Back to the Future with the cowboy elements. If you want to imagine what Goldwater kind of looks like, watch the movie. It wasn't until I was actually writing the story that the native population switched from humans to centaurs. It made the story just a little more hilarious to me.

The Catalyst
Catalyst has been in development for a while. You can see the improvised cover I made for it here as part of the page's banner. That's been here since the beginning. The original first chapter was very different, but since I may retool it into a later chapter I don't want to spoil it just yet. Catalyst is also going to feel different than my other works since it's told from Lyst's perspective instead of a third person. So there's going to be quite a bit more of his internal monologue and thoughts compared to conversations. Of course, there will be more conversations once the cast expands, which it will in time.

Well that's everything for this week. My situation which has impacted my writing continues, but is looking like it will be getting better soon. Thanks for supporting me, if only by reading my works or my ramblings here.