Where I've Been

I thought I'd post an update considering I haven't posted anything in,like,7 months now? Holy shit that's a long time. But yeah,no worries,I’m still alive,I haven’t quit art forever. I’ve just been going through a lot IRL and I haven’t really had any free time to draw,let alone post content regularly.

Of course the biggest changes in my life being moving out on my own and getting a “real” full-time job. As much as I am grateful to have my own place,it’s  huge change for me and balancing my responsibilities has left me with little time and energy for drawing,especially since i have been dealing with physical and mental health issues for a long time. 

I’ve also been considering rebranding/changing my username since I originally named it after an OC that I don’t really draw/make much content of anymore and it did cause some confusion whether the name was referring to the character or the artist (me). However I haven’t been able to decide whether or not to change it or what I would replace it with,but if I do decide to rebrand,I’ll try to give you all plenty of notice.

I honestly can’t say when my hiatus will end because I’m currently still adjusting to my new life,but for those of you have stuck around this whole time I’ve been gone,I am super grateful for all of you and I’ll try my best to get back to things as soon as i’m able to. In the meantime,thank you for understanding.