The March 2522 ride to Paradise Island on Sirius Prime should have been a long overdue fun tour for Major Brit Johannsson, exchange officer, hotshot and well-respected CO of Royal Rigelian White Fleet's newly formed Squad 5-3.


Had there not been pressing business of the RIA, the Rigelian Intelligence Agency, and Queen Shayala herself to be tended to on that occasion.

And had there not been the Sirioids' rule to bring no weapons to Paradise Island, a rule which to break and stark naked make it through a nasty corporeal penance ritual had become the sector's commissioned officers' social obligation when visiting Sirius Prime.

Read more:

Dee O. Ungern

SIRIUS CONFIDENTIAL Episode I: A ride on The Crown's tab

A RIGELIAN BLUES screenplay episode

Ebook, Lulu Press, Inc., 2021