Welcome, if you're seeing this please read this to understand a bit more about me and what I'm trying to achieve with this.

First off, thank you for at least taking the time to come here. I always appreciate any kind of support that I get, be it a few retweets of my art on twitter, some commissions, or even just a few likes on my artwork here and there. I never thought I would actually get this far but yet here I am.

Second, I would like to get to the point of why I'm doing this. As many of you that have followed me know, I would like to try and live off of my art to where I can have my own place, pay my bills without worry, and feel like I've really succeeded in setting that as my goal. I've thought long and hard about this kind of thing and I've decided to use this as a stepping stone into the right direction. As much as I like working for my money so that I can make it by, I don't want to overdo it and give myself burnout because I'm not working on my own personal things as much as I would like. I intend to use this to free up some time to do that and still take commissions every now and again so that I can still give you guys rewards for supporting me for so long. I also know that not everyone can afford to commission me, or other artists, so I was thinking about that as well since plenty have said they WANT to support me but either can't think of commission ideas, can't afford commissions, or want to just sometimes donate.

While this may seem like something rather small I want to use it as a building block for something better. Start off small and work my way up to giving better rewards, posting art more often, and saving money where I can from the constant support. Not only will you be able to see W.I.P.s and finished artwork earlier here than on twitter, but also receive discounts for commissions depending on your subscription and that's just the start. No telling what things will improve as time goes on and I have more time to do more things. So consider subbing, even a dollar can help, you never know when that very dollar could come in handy for helping me with something. It's happened before. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this and whether you subscribe or not thank you for all the support you've given thus far and for any future support you give. Let's grow together!