New Eden [v0.02.0a]

Well, what started out as a restructuring has basically become a remake. It's still the same project, but it's been completely redone from the start.

I've gathered all the feedback I've received during past releases and worked hard to create a better-organized foundation for the project, something that was far from satisfactory in previous releases.

You can consider this version as a new first release. It is similar in size to the release [v0.01.0a], but it looks a lot more like a real game than that release.

Unfortunately, given the time I had, I wasn't able to port all of the past content. But now with the foundation defined, it's much easier to work with and I'll be able to add the missing events as well as new content that I'm already working on at the moment.

This version looks more like a demo, but I decided to release it sooner again to use the feedback to improve the game even more. This is something I've been doing since the other releases, and it's working really well.

About the differences in the new version of the game:

* Higher resolution.
* All scenes were rendered again (now with much better quality).
* Improvements in the story.
* The GUI was remade from scratch.
* Complete restructuring of the entire event system.
* The code has been completely rewritten, removing all unnecessary parts.
* In addition to several other changes.

Version: v0.02.0a

Download Link:
PC/Linux: MEGA
Patch: MEGA