What's Next?

It's August! Now that WorldAnvil's July Summer Camp is over, I will be doing more outlining of projects and getting my queue in order for upcoming stories!

  • Before my next surgery mid-month I'll be getting at least one subscriber-only story out for the month and another public article to add to the July collection listed below.

  • I am pondering the release of Here and Now to the public when I formally announce Luridity's existence and invite more subscribers. I feel like between the Quick Fics, and the free chapters of my novels, we'll have a good variety of sample work available...but I really love it and think everyone should read it XD

  • Summer Camp brought quite a few things to Luridity! The official count was one story and 15 articles! Articles in Luridity expand the Galaxy outside my stories, and allow more opportunities to explore my characters and their worlds. You don't need to read the articles to understand the stories, but I do try to keep them at least as fun as the Quick Fics. :D Is there something you'd like to know more about? I have a queue for articles tooooo!

McLelas Brothers (Relek City Series)


Connor (Maliçade/Telluria)

Tellurian ~ French ~ Personal Chef ~ Oracle Coven ~ Cease and Desist Broadcast ~ Connor's Manor ~ Oracle Prism

Fate/Sascha (Centraleasque Zone)

Entreporneurs ~ The Persied Prophet

General Luridity Galaxy

HMS Copulatory Imperative

Owner (Underhaven/Salacios)

Underhaven Harem ~ Shagged Out ~ MPA: Magical Particle Amplification ~ Marvolusst Fruit


  • I also wrote a short story this month for my subscribers. Set in Maliçade, it features Connor and a Tellurian named Ransom. You can read the overview here!

  • August will bring my (hopefully last and incredibly helpful) surgery, recovery, and a way to get back into the swing of things that is healthy and happy, so I can return to missions for To Do List Adventures and sexy stories for Luridity. :)

What are you looking forward to in August?