Free Use Intern: Chapter One Alpha!

We're very excited to announce that the alpha version of Free Use Intern: Chapter One is now out to "Move In Together" backers! This is Free Use Intern 1.0.1-alpha, and it is PACKED full of content. New sex scenes, multiple paths to victory, new characters, and a bunch of new sexy Emma pictures. We've been working on this for the last 6 months, and we hope you like it as much as we do!

Keep in mind, this is an ALPHA version, and as such it's a little clunky in parts. Here are some bugs that we're already aware of:

The hovertext interrupts the final piece of text in an interaction. The interaction zones are slightly askew After an ending resets the game, the Office art is sometimes missing (though the zones are still there) – just exit and re-enter the scene, or reload the game to fix In Chapter 1, the objects don't change color when they're selected (like they do in the prologue) There's a black loading screen every time you enter a new scene Save and load is not available in this release If you find any other bugs, please let us know on our Discord! And of course if you have any feedback about the game (including what you'd like to see in future chapters) then we'd love to hear them!

Socrates pulled several all-nighters to get this out by the date we promised (we are committed to getting you sexy games as soon as we can) so we're going to go have a long rest.

Thank you again for your support. Getting all this amazing art from Hydra was not cheap, and it would have been impossible without your help. Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3

Move In Together supporters can find a link to play the game online in our next post.