Time Travel? Quantum Leaps? Predestination Effects? Butterfly stuff? Well, that's what I'm dreaming up in my new, epic novel. I plan to create an endless series of stories set in the life of my protagonist and antagonist... Lots of amazing ideas have percolated for a long, long time... longer than many people reading this may have been alive. So many references, so many time loop, alternate reality, time travel, grandfather paradox flicks watched, so many books read, so much research done...

A literal lifetime of concepts colliding into a mind-bending tale of a young man given the ability to rewind, fast forward, pause, and leap through time and space back to the past or far into the future. What he and his twisted perception of morality may choose to do will impact everything and everyone he cares about, hates, has been bullied by, and has fallen into unrequited love with.

I am so ready to flow right now... Just need some Code Red Mtn Dew and amazing tunes to rock my head to...