Elara’s determined to figure out how to move around while hung like a zebra and her efforts, though pretty successful at first, lead to a crescendo that surprises more than just herself.

Laquine Mobility Challenge

Story by Zmeydros
Art by UBA
(edited by Tiliquain and UBA)

The sun had just set and the brothel's neon signs were flickering to life above Brintac's dojo's doorway, adding fuchsia, orange, and cyan reflections to herringbone-patterned turbulence in a stream of rainwater as it flowed toward a storm drain. I would've waited out this evening downpour like everyone else, but I had some very important training to do.

Hopping was a really good way to break the stilted wooden shoes I was wearing to keep my bunny feet dry, so I was walking awkwardly on my toes. My shoes clacked loudly as I climbed the dojo's steps.

My crotch was mighty warm and it required willpower to not let my dick sprout between my loins before I was even inside: I'd been holding the thing back all day to test my resolve.

Setting my umbrella down under the thatched awning and taking out my key, I unlocked the front door and went inside. With a poke to the switch on my left, I turned on the dim, yellow overhead lights. The slight breeze heading out to the bay stirred the dark brown and red curtains that accented the windows along the east wall and north walls of the dojo. Knowing I'd need open space, Brintac had stacked the crimson-colored meditation pillows along the bamboo walls. The tightly woven grass mats covering the floor offered a firm, but much needed, cushion for students practicing martial arts.

After setting my stilted shoes on the rack in the entryway, I spotted a bowl of banana-leaf-wrapped rice cakes with a glass of water and a note next to them. The note read, "Materii brought over more of these than I could eat, enjoy. --Brintac."

Opening one of the rice cakes, I sniffed at it: taro, my favorite! I took a big bite, finding it a bit chewy and dry due to undercooked rice, but pretty tasty overall. After I made that rice cake disappear, I stopped myself from eating another because I was still full from dinner.

I carried the plate of rice cakes through the side door into the brothel's main entrance. Eun-Ji stood behind the reception desk, her red head-feathers looking as elegant as ever.

"Share these with whoever you like," I said, setting the plate down in front of her.

Her crest stood up a bit as she asked, "Did you make these?"

"No, they're from Materii and make sure whoever eats them has water handy. They're a bit dry," I said, glancing at her amazing cleavage. The area just in front of my pussy started to throb.

Unwrapping one, she said, "Given your standards when it comes to food, I bet they're fantastic." She took a bite.

"Well, if you get any stuck in your throat, don't blame me," I said.

After a couple tries at swallowing, she took a drink of water. "Is your vacation over already?"

"Nope." I leaned in and whispered, "I'm gonna learn how to move around with my new equipment fully deployed because I'm sick of it keeping me off balance."

She gave my crotch a curious glance as she said, "From what I hear, that's going to be a challenge."

"Oh, it will," I said.

"Best get to it, then," she smiled at the edges of her beak.

"Enjoy the rice cakes." I waved goodbye and walked back into the dojo.

I grinned as I reached into the stretchy and supportive greenish-gray fitness shorts I'd gotten tailored specifically for my package. My paw-padded fingers found my clit and rubbed. Pleasure jumped up my spine as I thrust my puffy muff against my hand and closed my eyes.

The pervasive hiss that underlay reality reverberated in my mind as I let magic flow into me. A rise formed under my palm as my sheath and sac started filling my shorts. I hadn't worn any underwear because I wanted to make sure no painful creases or folds of fabric formed as I stretched them. The flat equine head of my length kissed the palm of my hand as it came out of my sheath. Warmth radiated deep in my pussy as brand new testes split off from my ovaries and made their way down the front wall of my snatch. I angled my thick stallion flesh up past the waist of my shorts and it started sliding along the underside of my arm, making me gasp.

My pussy lips got more elastic and full as the pressure inside me mixed with a throbbing bliss. Extra folds of flesh formed just in front of my pussy, ready to accommodate my testes. I bucked my hips as I shoved three fingers into my snatch. I trembled, this next part was never gonna get old. With a heavy thud, my balls popped into their sac, setting my snatch off so hard I had to lean on the wall to avoid toppling to the floor.

Moaning and trembling, I wiggled my hips as my dick grew up past my belly button and my balls surpassed plums in size, stretching the fabric and pressing against either side of my wrist. Like my cock, they just kept growing as I came, reaching the size of oranges. Pulling my hand out of my muff, I licked my fingers while stroking my prick with my other hand. It stretched larger as it pred, just at the edge of orgasm. Due to how new it was, it's sensations got tangled up in those of my pussy.

But I wanted to learn how to meter its orgasm, so I willed myself to stay upright and not give in to my primal urge to just collapse onto the floor and stroke my dick until it exploded all over the dojo's mat. Instead, I held it against me as it advanced into my cleavage and my balls expanded even more, rubbing against my clit. The hand I'd cleaned my feminine honey off of caught a giant bead of pre sitting atop my cum hole and brought it to my mouth. Cocoa butter and pineapple tanginess with a bit of salt filled my senses. I stopped thrusting my dick into my one-armed embrace to avoid painting my face with spooge.

Did I have any chance of getting my dick to full size without blasting my load all over the floor? Licking across the wide head of my prick, I thought about the three times I'd cum last night and how much I wanted to taste myself again. It would feel so good to give in... No, I had to learn to control this thing or it would control me.

To quiet my horny brain, I took deep breaths and focused on the chaotic magic static surrounding me, welcoming it in with each breath. The quicker I got to full size, the less temptation there would be. My clit gained girth, parting my labia and my dick surged up toward my neck, thickening until I needed two hands to encircle it. I stomped my foot, holding back a wave of bliss that would have gotten me gushing. My shaft enlarging this quickly felt like a thrust into a welcoming, endless tightness.

As my cock hit the underside of my chin, it spurted pre into my fur and I craned my neck to kiss my cock so it could shoot as much pre as it wanted without getting it all over the place. My balls grew to the size of grapefruits, pressing firmly against my equine-shifted clit and pussy lips.

I didn't know when the herm zebrataur I caught my equine traits from would be back in town, but I knew she'd come to see me again because we'd had an absolute blast together. I wanted to see the look on her face when she saw that I'd inherited her dick. My shaft tingled as I thought about the fact I'd likely fit inside her, even at full size.

Thinking about future sexual exploits was the exact sort of distraction I needed to avoid right now. I gave my body a good half minute to calm down and then stood up fully. It was time to figure out how to deal with the encumbrance my prick and balls caused. Their weight alone was intimidating because I had to lean back a bit to keep from falling on my face.

My best option for locomoting on my large lapine feet was to hop like a kangaroo. Most of the time it was cool because it was more efficient and allowed me to go much faster than other bipedal individuals. At top speed, there was significant airtime between hops that made me feel like I was flying. The downside was that things got clumsy when I had to carry cumbersome objects or go slower than my comfortable 20km/h hopping speed.

Sure, I'd look like a freak hopping around while holding my ridiculous hard-on against my chest, but people would look on with pity if I fell flat on my face due to it. Knowing my sex drive and how much I loved my dick, there'd be times I couldn't get it to behave. Especially early on.

Gripping my determination--and my dick--tightly, I bent my legs and then sprung into the air, powered by my heavily toned glutes. As I accelerated upwards, my huge balls flailed in my shorts, stimulating my clit enough to make me gasp in the air. I had to move my torso as part of my hopping motion and ended up thrusting my prick in my grasp.

When I landed, I was leaning a bit too far back and I lost my footing. Swearing, I fell backwards and hit the grass mat. My prick slapped my front and my balls thumped against the front of my snatch, sending out a wave of delight as I got the wind knocked out of me.

After I regained my breath, I looked at the flat head of my prick and lapped up some pre. Having a cock that weighed as much as a sack of potatoes was a liability. Part of me wanted to just stroke it till it came and be done with this, but giving up wasn't how I did things. So, I rolled onto my front and groaned as my prick brushed the tightly-woven grass mat. Then I hung on to my length as I got to my feet.

When I tried hopping again, I fell forward, pinning my prick between me and the mat. Though it was made out of grass, the mat's weave was so tight and the grass itself was so smooth that it felt incredible against my shaft. Losing control of my hips, I humped against it and panted as my arousal got so intense my nipples ached.

Right behind my balls, it started feeling tight. My flare was even wider than before--I was only going to last seconds at this rate.

As I felt my length start to pulse rhythmically, I pushed myself up from the mat, gritting my teeth. I caught the single splash of delicious cum that made it up my shaft in my mouth as I regained control of my breathing. Then I tried hopping again and managed two hops before falling onto my front. My snatch was wetting my shorts and the slickness on the back of my ball sac was providing perfect lubrication for my clit to rub against. This time, I ground my crotch against the mat until my pussy was twitching before I got back to my feet.

Relying on my stubborn determination, I focused until I managed four hops, then five, then I hopped across the entirety of the room. The hops didn't go as far because of the extra weight I was carrying, but they were starting to feel natural.

The moment I added turns, I fell on my side. My quivering snatch was so close to blowing that I had to wait a couple minutes before trying again. Every bounce thrust my dick against my front and arms while my balls massaged my clit. Practicing turns over and over got me hopping around so much I was practically masturbating my cooch and cock. Time after time, I got both of them right up to the brink. Now my prostate was aching and my clit felt like it was on fire.

There was only one more thing I wanted to accomplish before I finally let loose: turning at speed. Starting at one end of the room, I hopped right toward the opposite wall, gaining momentum. Then, as I leaned and tried to change my direction, my snatch clenched, sending a wave of ecstasy crashing through me. As I moaned, my feet slipped out from under me and my side ran into a stack of meditation pillows. As I fell to the floor, the pillow stack landed on top of me. I'd held my prick firmly enough that it didn't get much stimulation, but working my way out from under the meditation pillows got my sac to rub my clit just right.

Clamping my eyes shut and clenching my jaw, I tried to push back against the tempest between my legs. Unfortunately, I'd denied myself so many times that my body was no longer willing to work with me. My moans increased in pitch and volume as my passage milked an unseen dick.

Rolling onto my font, I fucked the mat with my prick, screaming in pleasure as my flare expanded. "Haah! Fuck! I have to cum! Need to CUM! YES, FUCK!"

My hips went to work, grinding my balls against my huge equine clit, my shaft lurched as jizz erupted from the flaring head. I'd teased myself to the point that the combined orgasm was like being thrown in a roaring river. I was completely lost in it with no way to quiet my ecstatic exclamations. Thick ropes of cum dappled the mat with lakes of my pearly white load as my snatch convulsed in time with my spurts.

Eun-Ji opened the door with Serchii in tow, asking, "Elara, are you--oh dear!" She put her hand over her beak.

Both of them froze, their eyes fixed on my dick as I continued making a mess.

"Ngh! Sorry. Can't stop!" I explained.

Serchii's boner pushed down his pant leg as his jaw fell open. His raccoon mask did nothing to hide his embarrassed delight at my lewd spectacle. Eun-Ji's head feathers and phoenix crest stood up more and more until she looked comically floofy.

There was something about people's awe when it came to my dick that drove me crazy and I gasped as a jet of my jizz shot almost two meters, landing just shy of their feet.

That broke them out of their reverie and they backed out of the room without saying a word.

I collapsed after my last jet came out, my face falling into a puddle of my own spooge. Groaning, I rolled onto my back. I knew I needed to clean up the mat before my sticky mess soaked into it, but my whole body felt numb. A couple minutes later, I had enough willpower to get up, fill a bucket with warm water, and then grab a rag. Then, as my prick receded back into my sheath, I cleaned the mat.

Eun-Ji and Serchii were outside my door. I'd been too out of it to follow their conversation, but I was now picking it up just fine with my long rabbit ears.

"It's been a while, maybe we should just let her be," Serchii said. "She's probably really embarrassed."

"Elara, embarrassed?" Eun-Ji laughed. "Plus, I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to you. She always looks forward to your appointments."

"R-really?" Serchii asked.

"You two can come in now," I said.

When they entered, they looked at the foot of cock still sticking out above the waist of my shorts before locking their eyes on my face, trying to act as if everything was normal.

Eun-ji said, "So sorry about interrupting you."

I blushed. "Don't worry about it. A whole bar saw my new equipment a few days ago."

"This is true. We're starting to get customers seeking quality time with your new endowment. You're gonna get swamped after your vacation ends," Eun-Ji said.

"Glad to hear it and thanks for bringing Serchii to see me," I said.

"You're welcome!" Eun-Ji waved and then walked out. "And thanks for the show."

Serchii pulled on his chin fur as he shyly looked away.

I blushed more. "You're welcome."

Satisfied with how much she'd teased me, Eun-Ji said, "I should let you two chat."

"Bye!" I waved before laying a towel down to absorb some of my mess before I wiped up the rest.

Eun-Ji sauntered out.

"So, what brings you here?" I said to Serchii. "You going to see someone new while I'm on vacation?"

"Nope." Serchii was making an obvious effort to keep his eyes on my face. "I, umm, was scheduling future appointments with you since Eun-Ji left me a message about your increased popularity."

"You've been coming to see me every other week for what, a few months now? And we both really like each other and your appointments almost always run over because we get into such interesting conversations." I said, moving to another set of cum puddles. "I think we should start dating."

He paused for a moment, his eyes widening "I..." He gulped. "Y-you want to date me?"

"Well, not exclusively because no single person could ever keep up with me, but I want you to be a part of my life, not just someone I see for an hour every other week," I said.

"Are you sure?" His foot was tapping on the mat.

"When you're not being self conscious about how much you like dick, you're the most laid back person I know." I grinned.

"I am?" His eyes darted down to my prick, which was six inches to being back in my sheath.

"Yeah, and you're one of my emotional anchors. I've come to rely on being able to talk to you and vent about stuff," I said.

"Should I cancel my appointments?" A smile started spreading, curving his lips along the sides of his muzzle.

"Yeah, unless you want to see me at work and throw money at me for some reason," I said. "And was that a 'yes' on dating me? Or...?"

"Oh, sorry, yes, I'd love to date you," he said, eyes sparkling with emotion.

"Awesome! I'll be right back," I said.

I dropped the rag in the bucket, tossed the couple towels I'd used to soak up some of the mess in the laundry basket, and then dumped the bucket out in the mop sink before rinsing it out. After washing the rag with a bit of soap, I hung it on the side of the sink.

"How will this work?" he asked as I stepped back into the room. "You're still planning on going back to your brothel job and stuff."

"You see me outside of work, we spend more time together, we keep seeing other people and support each other as we navigate our other relationships. And we keep communicating as we see where things go, doing what's best for both of us," I said, walking up to him. "No way to know if this will work unless we try, no?"

He hugged me despite the cum that had soaked into my bra and shorts. I hugged him back as he said, "That sounds good to me."

"Well then, wanna come back to my place? I have a very cozy spot you could stick the raging hard-on that's running down your pant leg," I said before playfully biting his shoulder.

He gasped and then said, "Really? Right now?"

"Yes, if you'd like." I traced a finger over his clothed biceps, looking up at his fuzzy raccoon muzzle.

"I would like that very much," he said.

"Catch," I said before jumping and throwing my arms and legs around him.

My being almost a foot shorter than him made me pretty easy to carry and I knew he could do it because he'd fucked me against the wall more than once.

After a surprised yelp, he grabbed me around the middle, saying, "You're a handful, you know that?"

Licking his neck, I said, "Oh, I'm many handfuls."

He gasped before walking to the front door, saying, "What am I getting myself into?"

"Me, after we get to my place," I said, loving the feeling of being pressed tightly against his front.


Want to read about Elara initially getting her dick? Click here to read "Suddenly Laquine."

Want to see how Elara's first date with Serchii goes? Click here to read "Laquine Skinny Dipping."

I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!