Hey everyone,

time for the last progress update of this month. You can expect v0.5 to come out at the end of next week for all of my 5$ supporters!

This week I was working on adding lesbian poses into the sex system and added around 10 new poses to it.

I also completely overhauled the bar location. You can now talk, flirt and even hook up with random people. Success chance depends on your social attribute as well as on some traits or how drunk you are. If you have the slutty trait you will also get a choice to just skip all the small talk and get down to all the fun stuff right away, not everyone might like that though.

I also decided to add some random travel events that can happen while you travel from one location to another, right now there is only one but once I get some more ideas I will add more.

The last thing I added was a little chain of events that can happen while you relax at the park. They will unlock a new area at the park with some additional content for characters with the exhibitionist trait. This area will probably also get extended in the future.

That's all for this week's progress update, on the next week I will focus on adding some more random events and adding some new events for Linda and Jeff.

Until next time~