New Tier Update!

Hey aquanaughts and seastars! It's near the end of the year, so I wanted to give an update on the new subscriber tiers I had promised!

Because the holidays made things get busy, I wasn't able to roll them out this year like I wanted to, and for that I apologize! However, I'm hoping to roll these out in January, or at the very least the beginning of February. (Me and my now fiancé are still trying to move out so this is complicating a lot of things. >3<) In the meantime, lemme show y'all what I have in mind!

These perks are subject to change, but this is what I have in mind right now:

10 Dollar Tier: Get new sketch posts every Friday and Sunday! Fintastic Friday and Suffocating Sunday.

15 Dollar Tier: Vote on a poll once a month to influence a unique piece of artwork from me that you'll all gain first access to! May be posted to other social medias a few months after creation, but you'll get to see it here first! If you subscribe to this one you'd get the 10 dollar perks as well.

30 Dollar Tier: Guaranteed once a month traditional sketch commission slots! (About 3 I'm thinking for now!) These will be a base 1 character sketch with minimal backgrounds. A bit of a price difference from normal pricing, but guaranteed to happen if you're a bit too slow for when official commissions pop up. Subscribing to this one gets you the other perks as well.

125 Dollar Tier: 1 guaranteed fully colored/shaded commission. Will include 1-2 characters, background, and waiting time is 1-3 months for completion. This one will be limited to one person. You only pay once until the commission is done (so no worries I wouldn't charge you 125 dollars every month it wasn't completed LOL!) and that's all! I'm pretty sure I can do that here, so I'll look into it before I promise it or anything. A very good way to get a fully done commission from me without missing out on official commissions. Only slightly pricier than base price to include extra characters and background and also the guarantee. You also get all the perks besides the 30 dollar sketch commissions.

Let me know what you guys think! I'm pretty excited about this stuff, and I'm still open to other ideas on what y'all may want to see from me, so I appreciate any and all feedback! w^