Poll Results!

Thank you all for voting. The results were literally 50-50, which means half of you want the game as soon as possible, and the other half wants the game later but with a bigger update.

Here is the link to view the results yourself:


Right now that I'm posting this the new version is already in testing, as I was preparing for an early release, and I'm fixing bugs daily. Since the results came as they did, I'm going to push for an early update, but only after all bugs have been fixed, to ensure everything works as intended.

After v0.2.0 has been posted, we're going to stay on that version for a bit, to add some QoL features (shorter repeatable scenes, flavor text in the milking room, etc), finetune it, add cards (I'm thinking oral cards next), add more scenes for the guys, etc, before moving on to new systems (as new systems = new bugs!).

I hope it's finished soon - I'm excited to see what you think!