Well, -that- was a year!

Greetings from the year 2021! We hope you all had some amazing holidays and are ready to start a new trip around the sun. Sinspirational Games begins its second year now, and we’ve got a lot of new milestones we’re looking forward to. Luciana and I have regrouped from our assorted festivities, new art has been ordered, outlines have been made, and the work begins on our next update. Get ready to meet Sara, the magician/kitsune!

We’ll keep you updated on the progress, but I wanted to let you know of a few other dates to remember. First, we have some news as to our update schedule that we’ll be putting up in post form on Monday, January 18th. We’ve now finished one complete cycle of our planned updates and we wanted to address some of your concerns and talk about some changes to the way we’re going to be doing new content. That one is going to be a sizable post talking about Paradise Height’s future plans, so look for that in two weeks.

After that, we’ll also be putting up our next Content Poll on Monday, February 1st. We’ll be kicking things off with another content expansion poll. For those of you newer to the game, you’ll get some more details on the 18th, but content expansions build on what already exists in Paradise Heights. Rather than introducing new chapters or characters, we give you more of what is already there and you’ll see options like continued building out of the Romance system, more ‘dual employee’ intimate scenes, or refinements to the underlying mechanics. That poll will run for a week, and we’ll announce the results on February 8th.

Mostly, we’re just excited to be back here with you all! We hope you’ll all join us for more demonically deviant adventures.

See you soon! Cambion and Luciana