Hey all. I thought I was able to pause billing on here but this site is so barebones it doesn't even have that. UGH.

As you may or may not know, I have not been horny at all as of late. I think I used up all my sexual energy doing personal draws and I don't wish to push myself to fake personal stuff that I'm not turned on by. Just feels wrong. I'll continue to upload my rewards and comms in hi res as I create them, including musk stuff, but I know you guys want Vonya and my personal horny art.

So if you want to bail for the moment, I won't be mad. Just do it asap before the recurring billing kicks in on the 1st. I'll make a new post on my yeenmusk twitter when I get the genuine horny back and we can pick up from there.

If you want to continue to support me for the commissions and other draws (some of which will ofc feature vonya), I'll be grateful. <3

Sorry about this. I assumed I would be turned on forever... but it is just not here right now. It'll come back eventually.