What are red panels? Red panels are, bluntly, panels for my stories that I can't post on DeviantArt! They exist as a continuation of a set of panels that have been posted on DeviantArt and will be the ones that contain raunchy fun times. As panels get uploaded, if a panel set has red panels after it, I will link to my SubscribeStar with a little note saying that some red panels are here and you should probably take a look!

Why SubscribeStar? Well, it was either here or discord, as directly linking to content that breaks DA's guidelines also breaks DA's guidelines, and I didn't want to lock them behind an app. Don't worry! Red panels are not paid content and never will be! This post with all of the information and gallery links is public and will always be public!

The current red panels, as well as which part in the story you should be reading them from, are down below!
LACTOSE THERAPY - Read after panel 230!