Weekly Progress Report 10/11/20

So it is my plan to keep you all updated weekly on my progress, so that you can know what's going on and how things are coming towards the next episode of Harem Highlander.
The exact format of these updates may change a bit as I figure out what works best (Do people like progress bars? If so, maybe I should do progress bars!), but for now I'll just let you know where I'm at.
I am currently writing the actual script (full dialogue/scene notes) for Episode 2 based on my Outline that had I had prior to Episode One, and incorporating changes that are necessary based on Episode One and it's feedback.  I anticipate that this will take me three or four days to nail down, at which point I can start doing posing and rendering to match the storyboard.  That, of course, will be the long part.  Longer than it took for Episode One.
Why, you may ask? Well, as of the time of this posting and based on the plot outline I have laid out, Episode Two should be about three times as long as Episode One.  Most people have said it took them from twenty to thirty minutes to play through Episode One, so I'm shooting for anywhere between 1 and 1.5 hours' worth of content for Episode Two.
I'll keep you all updated weekly every Sunday with these progress reports, and I will get Episode Two out to you all as soon as I can!
- Eris