Cherries - Uniform Design Highlights, ft. Sophie & Émilie

Under the new rules imposed by the Regime, all girls must be properly educated in the ways of sexual servitude. Unlike the uncivilized free states, a female citizen of our great new nation understands that a woman's place in society is to serve men, and the only proper way to do so is to become a sex slave...

Hello friends. I'm back. First of all, thank you all very much for your patience. As you know, I have recently recovered from a rather serious illness (NOT COIVD, in case you're wondering.) Although I originally had great plans for the 2nd half of 2020, the illness pretty much screwed up that schedule. Sorry about that. With this new artwork, you might have noticed that I am now using a new style that is more similar to my original inking-focused art style I had from last year. After months of exploring, I have come to the conclusion that this is the art style I'm most comfortable with, and in order to make the comics happen - which will have a lot of pages - I will need to do it with a style that I know I can stick to for years to come.

Please let me know how you feel about the new art in the comments. I hope you like it as much as I do! Thanks.