Changelog Versions 0.41 to 0.40
Changes V 0.41:
- Events to save Rin - Part D2b, Rex route (Sex Scene): Rin is currently leading the sex encounter! I wonder what clever move Rex will make to turn the tide in his favor.
Updates for Rex to make some hairstyles and beards like his chibi version:
- Beard: very long 2
- Beard: three days
- Hair: very short
- Hair: short
- Hair: medium length
- A new item at Cloy's store, Telocryst:
- This item will enable you to skip the transformation DNA minigames when used, and it will be consumed immediately after use, requiring you to purchase one each time you want to skip a DNA minigame.
- The item offers the bare minimum of points needed to get your new ally, ensuring you can progress without fully engaging in the minigame. However, this option has a drawback: you will not have the opportunity to change your ally's colors as they could by accumulating more points through gameplay. This means that while you can autocomplete the DNA minigame, you miss out on the chance to customize your ally's initial colors.
- It has a cost of 400 sex energy points.
- Updates for DNA minigames:
- The option to select the initial speed for the minigame.
- The option to make the minigame ends just when you reach the minimum points needed to activate the transformation.
Fixed bugs V 0.41:
- If you press the keyboard key ESC very fast after the first scene between your bear ally and the fitness girl at the park, you won't earn the ally's experience, the sex energy, and it will skip the continuation menu.
This version's development began on 06/01/2025 and concluded on 28/02/2025.
Changes V 0.40:
- Events to save Rin - Part D2a, Rex route (Sex Scene): He will head up to save Rin and face a big problem: Rin is already in her demonic form, so he must do something about it.
- Rin's new form:
- Rex Vs Rin location scenario
- Rin's HD (comments/dialogs UI) and full body model was updated to use Spine animations. This time only the Rin HD is being shown in all the game, but the other model is ready only for the new content; I will update her for the rest of the game in the upcoming version.
- I recreated all the Rin HD face and whole body model animations (girl, pregnant, man, all outfits, etc.), updating them from Unity Animations to Spine Animations, updating my Medibang files (drawings layer and folder names) to give the Spine structure (bones, order, skins, etc) and adding new programming to make it work. That helped me understand the real cost in terms of time and work to update a single character. The final verdict... it is really demanding! But at the same time, it looks great! Honestly, I don't think I will update all the current characters' animations because it is very challenging, and I don't have that much time to do it. Rin was the test, but the new animations are available only for HD comments, and the new content (upcoming version) for the whole model. I still need to make some coding changes to allow the new Rin animations (the model used on the world, not sex scenes) to be shown on the whole game, but I will add it to the next version because I'm already late for the new release.
- Updated list of sex scenes and animations with their respective genres/tags.
- New mode for flipping the NPCs (characters). This new mode is better and a lot easier than my previous mode and doesn't require much work time; I updated the current flips inside code with this new option because the old mode sometimes fails, making the NPCs only flip certain parts of their bodies, making them look really bad.
- Added facial expressions to the scene when Rex texts Anastasia to invite her to a date.
- A minor update to the full screen text UI (used to explain the optional preferences, the game's credits, or the mini-game instructions). This update keeps that window functional, regardless of the resolution you use.
- A minor update to the main dialogs UI. This update keeps that window functional, regardless of the resolution you use.
Save/Load UI:
- A new feature to show a line of buttons under the saved game list with page numbers that will allow you to move faster inside your saved games.
- Resized and updated UI to allow you to write a maximum of 31 characters for your save's name (before it was around 21).
- Improved version of Options Menu UI:
- For PC versions, it has a new option to change the game window mode (fullscreen or windowed) and another option to change the game resolution (recommended resolutions or a custom resolution)
- Reorganization of all the current options, and now, excluding the 'Accept/Ok' and 'Cancel' buttons, all options are inside the scroll zone.
- Improves about the game resolution for PC and Online (Web GL) versions:
- For the WebGL version 0.39 of the game. Now you will be able to pick between six different saved games (steps are referring to steps of the game's guide); this will allow you to play closest to the point of the game you want, or in cases of game's errors, you will be able to pick another saved game to continue playing without playing since the beginning again [PM]:
- Step 12: Turning Cloy back to her real form
- Step 18: Vs Xina Ben's house
- Step 26: After getting cow ally
- Step 30: After getting the centaur
- Step 33: First Mavi appear
- Step 36: Saving Rin from Heinrich
- Previously, if you switched between full screen and window mode on the Web GL version, the user interfaces kept the previous resolution size and location, making some of them to be out screen; now, all UIs are updated after a resolution change.
- The same problem happened to cameras and the UI used inside sex scenes; if you changed the window size, the camera sometimes left out the mini-dialog windows or displayed outscreen zones of the maps/scenarios. I'm updating those scenes to recalculate the camera position and those UIs.
- For the WebGL version 0.39 of the game. Now you will be able to pick between six different saved games (steps are referring to steps of the game's guide); this will allow you to play closest to the point of the game you want, or in cases of game's errors, you will be able to pick another saved game to continue playing without playing since the beginning again [PM]:
Fixed bugs V 0.40:
- There is an error if you press the 'ESC' keyboard key when watching Heinrich's message on Lorna's phone, in the part of the game 'Cloy request' that made the game skip the scene without closing the phone.
- An error occurred when selecting the 'Cloy request' option inside Cloy's options menu, causing the scene to begin without closing the options menu.
- There is an error that allows you to pick the option 'Save Rin' through Cloy's menu before you get the first Lorna message about that mission. It doesn't break the game or, but it wasn't supposed to be able at that point.
- There is an error that allows you to give your bull ally experience if you keep talking to Rin after playing the NTR sex scene between Rin and your bull.
- There is an error that breaks the game if you press the 'skip scene' buttons at a fast speed after finishing the first bear/Cloy/female bear scene with the Fitness girl.
- There is an error that makes your click/touch over the floor not work correctly sometimes, making Rex ignore the instruction to walk.
- There is an error if you skip the scene where Heinrich turns into an Orc exactly when the screen shadows, making the dark screen not disappear.
- Sometimes, if you have male Rin while Cloy goes to spy on Anastasia (NTR on), inside Lorna's message where there is a Rin's image under Heinrich's cock, Rin appears as female Rin instead of male Rin.
- Sometimes, when talking to Cloy for the first time, you had the option to remove her from your team even when she wasn't inside your team.
This version's development began on 23/09/2024 and concluded on 19/12/2024. Three months of work between creating the new content, improving game's UI and funtionality, fixing bugs, some other administrative tasks, and also, this time I bought and build a new and more powerful PC and I needed to use some days to do it.
Previous page - Changelogs Versions 0.39 to 0.30