free tier? also 16$ tier update
first off, free tier:
so while exploring this website i've noticed that some people have a "free" tier of subscription, and that made me realize, there is no way to subscribe to someone for free just to keep updated on whats being posted (of course with higher tiers being blurred) XD
and that got me thinking, should i make a "free" tier? it might be a good idea for those who can't currently afford a subscription but want to keep up with my activity ^-^
i need to make an icon for it though, something food themed but smol, like maybe Curious Cookie? ;)
second, the mystery of the 16$ tier:
i am very split on this one ...
on one hand, i don't want to stand in the way of anyone who wants to spend more money on my stuff, but on the other, i kinda feel bad for charging more but not offering anything in return ^-^"
so for now i'm closing this one, i want to figure out a way to make it not just a void for money but offer something small in return XD
maybe a sketch or a small drawing or something ^-^"
but i do have to figure out how to not make that stressful on me, i already take commissions through my personal website, and i made this profile to be able to earn a little bit extra with my personal drawings ^-^"
so depending on what i land on, this tier might increase in price when it comes back, i guess it's a good thing no one has subscribed to it yet, so it is not a problem XD
i'll also probably give it limited slots, just so i don't get overwhelmed by it ^-^"
but what do you think?
what kind of reward would you envision paying extra for?
how much do you think is reasonable to charge for such a thing?
i'll do some research on the subject as well ^-^
feel free to let me know how you feel about this ^-^