Burning Out

I believe I'm starting to go through a burnout. With all the work put on me this month and generally having a bad time mentally, I've been late on many things. I am so very sorry that, of everything I tried to do and worked on in the hopes I could get it done in time, I could not provide the content you paid for on time.

I believe I've been in a burnout for a while now and it sucks, but I will post the sketches today and polls for next month. The comic will be postponed until further notice, I will keep ya updated. Hopefully I can at least do the pinups, sketches and character concept on time.

Again, I am very sorry. Theres a lot going on now in the headspace and it's really hurting me, as well as a few physical pains. I think I'll need time to recover, and I don't know how to do that.