Guide: Glowing Eyes

First, look at the image above. You can see that despite having the same material setting for eyes, the one in the right looks glowing.

The trick is just as you can see, darken the surroundings.

Note: This is just a quick guide for eyes and not for lighting, that's why I won't touch the topic regarding making the surroundings dark.

Glowing Eyes is actually just an eye without a shadow. What makes it appear glowing is because the surroundings are dark. With that in mind, if you reduce the character lights, and make the eye (hitomi) shadows white, you'll basically have a glowing eyes.

There's 2 shader I like using for the eyes. KKUTSEye and EyePlus. But before that, read this Color Trick.


Did you know that if you increase the color value, it will appear glowing?

As you can see in the screenshot above, we added 1 on Red and Green value of colors (not on blue since the color is yellow). You can try different values depending on the color you want to achieve.

Note: In some color property, adding value on A (Alpha) is enough rather than on RGB.


These are the initial settings for both.


Easier to use

shadowcolor: White

CustomAmbient: White or same color as eyes + color trick above


Lots of options, but I like using this because I can have some shading or shadow in eyes

1stShade & 2ndShade = White or same color as eyes + color trick above

1st_ShadeColor_Feather & _Step: 1

2st_ShadeColor_Feather & _Step: 1

Unlit_Intensity: = 20


Enabling the bloom and tweaking it will make the lighter colors on the eyes glow.

If you use PostProcessingEffects by Haruka, the bloom there will further enhance the glow.

It's a very very short and quick guide, but I hope it'll help you. :)