Writers contest
I figured there may be people not using discord. So you may missed the details of the contest. So I will paste it here for anyone interested. The contest is until April 1st.
"Dear Writers
I would like to extend to you all an opportunity to have your story turned into a video. From now till April 1st writers will have an opportunity to create a story in the fanfiction section and use (Contest Entry) in the title. The only rules are using only my cast of characters and that you have fun. Of course if your story is too lengthy I have to choose portions of it and make necessary changes in general to fit it into an animation. Also, if you for any reason choose a character that I do not have, I will have to change it to one of my cast of characters, which it may ruin it, so please avoid doing that if you can. The winner's story and inspired video will be published in the Admirer’s tier. Lastly, when you post on the fan-fiction make sure that your post has "contest entry" on the title. Make only one post of your contents entry, you can join the contest with multiple stories. Just make sure if your story surpasses the character limit, just post the rest of it as a reply on your post.
Happy writing!"