Welcome to Kite's extra spicy page*!

For the time being, this page will be a "side content" page to my Patreon page! As I do with my Patreon content, nearly all content created here will be available for free, although non-patreon content (such as MH Diary alts, and such) will now become Subscribestar-exclusive content (commissions and YCH notwithstanding!

Consequently, it will host content I can't post on Patreon.

While there will be exclusive content to this Subscribestar, for now this page will not be as active as my main profile and Patreon page. I will still do my best to maintain it and upload at least monthly here!

The only tier is a Subscribestar specific tier, but like my Patreon, this page may be subject to change; I will have a suggestion box, as mentioned in the Tier description, and will run monthly polls (if you're a Patreon subscriber and are there for some reasons, you know how much poll-happy I am :p) about MH diary content, possible monsters, etc!

In short, this page will be the central for the occasional kinkier Kite content! It will evolve as needed, and if I'm ever nuked on the other side, well... Then everything will be here, lmao.

Thanks for your support!