This will be major news, so please read carefully.
Due to word's economic shifts recently, the current price for the subscription to my monthly contents is no longer appropiate, and it has been like that for a while now, but tried to keep it like that as much as possible, but I have reached the limit.
Therefore, I am in the need to increase the price of the subscriptions.
That being said I have developed a transition period to make this change as smooth as possible. And here it's how it's gona work:
New Tier 2
Starting November 2024, there will be a new Tier 2 "Project support tier." This will be $5 U.S. dollars a month . This Tier will have the Return of "Sam in Babyworld" Caption comic for a few months (around four months or so), one page per month.
From January 2025 the suggestions and polls for future fanart will become an exclusive benefit of this new Tier 2.The current subsciption tier will remain active and continue to have access to the fan art pieces. However, they will not include the suggesting or voting benefits on polls. They will only have access to the final pieces.
On March 2025, the “Tier 1” (current Only subscription tier) will stop receiving updates of new fan art. The previous fanart and content pieces will remain available for this tier to watch until June 2025, when the tier will be deleted
On March 2025, the “Tier 1” (current Only subscription tier) will stop receiving updates of new fan art. The previous fanart and content pieces will remain available for this tier to watch until June 2025, when the tier will be deleted
Hopefully, this transition period of 6 months will help to ease this issue