It's the glow. So warm and bright. Enveloping me, soothing me. I feel it radiating from within, shining through every inch of my body, even my eyes. They open wide to drink in the light. This is bliss. Utter peace and happiness. I've never felt so at ease, so untroubled. The cares of the world fall away. No more responsibility as Princess. Only this perfect, shining moment.

Oh, how I wish I could share this feeling. Let everyone in the world experience this joy, this harmony. But there's no need. No need for anything more than this.

My mouth relaxes into a soft smile as drool trickles from the corner. I don't mind. I don't mind anything. I'm not concerned with appearances. All that matters is the light, so full of life and beauty.

I feel it pulsing, feel my heart beating in perfect sync with this strange new magic. Each breath is deep and slow. I could stay like this forever.

My eyes are wide open, and yet I feel so relaxed, so at peace. This glow awakens me rather than lulling me. Makes me feel more alive and present than ever before. 

If only Link were here. He would marvel at my pure bliss. But even the hero feels distant to me now. The light is everything. The only thing that matters.

"I'll never let it end," I decide. "I'll stay under this blissful spell forever. It's too wonderful."