This page was setup for people who can't or won't pledge to patreon, as well as just in case something ever does happen to Patreon.
Future posts I make over there will be mirrored over to here! I'm not going to reupload old posts, but at the end of the month I will post the most recent version of the archive which will have everything that's gone up on Patreon and elsewhere.

Some tiers are a little more expensive here than on Patreon, as Subscribestar has higher fees, which take more out of smaller pledges than higher ones. 
One of Patreon's advantages was I was grandfathered in on the old system, where payments were batched. My fees there were 5% from patreon, 2.9% + $.30 from payment processors, with the 30 cents being batched per withdrawal.
On Subscribestar, it's 7% from SS, and 2.9% + $.30 per pledge. This significantly impacts lower tiers.

Otherwise, everything else should be run identically. All posts will be mirrored, Discord access should be identical, and for polls, I will load them off to Google Forms and do them that way, so both pages lead to the same poll. There may be some rewards that I have to retool or cannot easily deliver on over here (milestones are something that I don't have an easy way to sort out here.)

This page is a bit WIP as I figure out the nuances of SubStar. I need to figure out how to handle milestones as well.