July | Poll #2 + Source

This was the first user suggested option (that was not part of the trello) that has won a poll. Congratulations.

I wanted the room the character walks into be very unused, and I wanted to indicate this without dialogue, so I tried drawing dust and spiderwebs everywhere. Originally, the toy chest was going to have a wood texture, but I was unable to figure out a way to draw it that I liked and I was behind schedule anyway, so I settled for just brown. I didn't really know what to do with the light, so I tried to keep it simple. I probably spent too much time trying to iterate on it.

About halfway through the comic, I felt like there should be some kind of indication that he would turn into a Zorua rather than feeling it was a completely random choice the toy box gave him, so I adjusted the character's design slightly (the shirt is the same color as Zorua's fur and there are bits of red in his color palette. I was thinking about those shirts with the flame pattern on them at the time.)

I wanted the background to look like it was plush foliage like the foreground, but I didn't want to use stitches everywhere because it felt like it would make the background too busy, so I put little plush patches over random parts. They still didn't really feel like plushies, though. Maybe I could justify it by implying the patches could be some kind of plush infection in the future.

Normally, when I make the eyes render over the hair, I tend to make only the outline visible. In this situation, I agonized over whether or not I should keep it like this due to the eyelids of Zorua having the red color. In the end, I kept the outline only part.

Source included due to lateness.

Edit: Adjusted color on one of the rings.