Uploading all work-in-progress content

Hello everyone,
we thought it would be nice to add some flare to our site by uploading work in progress content from now on. We didn't want to do this anymore earlier this year as our overall living situation was too stressful for us, so now that life is a little better, we came up with the concept of doing it once a week rather than every day. This allows you to remain up to date on our project without having to join our Discord server! And you'll have something new to nourish your brain every week.We intended to publish all of this year's content, and we are now in week 32. We have a lot of things to copy from our Discord to Patreon/Subscribestar/Deviantart, so it may take a while!
Sorry in advance if your emails become flooded with reminders; this will be a one-time occurrence. Promise.

Have a nice day!