In this round of the Tournament of Pleasure, the professional wrestler Ashlynn faces off against the self-serious digboss of the Dragon's Heir kobold tribe, Prakibak. While Tik Tik has a soft spot for the manly man kobold, she has no say in who wins this bout.

The Adventures of Tik Tik," is a fantasy erotica series starring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.

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