This is really just an introduction into the story. I did decide to add some audio for some pieces, and it has a lot of refinement to go. But, the intent of this is to show that I am making progress, and to quickly establish the backstory of the MC.

This is very early stages, but I want to release as much as I can as quickly as I can, because getting a product to market faster, means I can hear from you all sooner. I will worry about things like transitions or resolution later. This is more about the story and gameplay mechanics, so I understand already any criticisms  on renders, audio, etc.

Also, again, I'm forcing a bunch of information in a short time in this release, but that's because I wanted to hurry through the backstory quickly so we can get into the real story soon.

This release introduces the MC, gives a bit of his history, and brings him to the point where he's about to embark on his actual journey.

This is not the complete prologue, there is still some writing to do from here.

After the prologue, there will be a mini "Chapter 0" to kick us off into the new journey. Chapter 0 will be followed by the official "Chapter 1," and that will conclude the first complete release of Damsels and Dragons.

You can find this teaser here: