July Updates and Plans

So July is here and it's time to talk about all the plans and ideas! First, let's review June.

I did take it easier last month as I honestly got burned out, that being said we still got four main Illustrations and 3 of those were bigger projects overall with more characters or further story variants so I'm happy with that. I did have ideas to continue Ashe's picture but those ideas were much bigger so I will do that later.

Only one SubscribeStar story this month although Teyza and the fairies stories were updated at Hentai Foundry. We also got however 2 new mixes from old pictures, Twintelle and the Doomer Girl, so that's a new thing I'm experimenting on and hope you like those.

As usual , thanks to everyone for supporting me, and now let's talk about what's new

  • SubscribeStar Changes, and More:

On the SS topic, I had a goal over here back in the day, set for creating an online store and I reached it. So I'm still working on building it, it is hard to find a service that allows adult material AND works in my country however, but hopefully I'll have a page available this month.

I will also be making some changes to the wording of the tiers as to bring them in line to the wording I have on Patreon and Add another mid tier as well as remove the higher ones.

  • June Rewards

As usual, rewards will be sent on the 5th of the month which is the day Patreon finishes processing the payments. So if you had any trouble with your payment you can fix it up by then!

Now for July

  • Pictures

So, I've started the Yrel comic. First of all, I will continue it until I finish it, don't know how much of the month that will take. I might get something commissioned too, but other than that I will be working on whatever wins polls of course. Provided we have time after all that however I already have ideas for stuff to draw.

I will also post random new variants of old pictures like I did last month.

  • Contact

Now I've Created a cardd.co page where you can find links to my Social, media Galleries and more, as well as my commission information. Check it out here


  • Polls

Since Yrel will be a big focus with the comic, that will be a lot of Warcraft so I decided to skip the Warcraft Babe of this month and instead do an Overwatch Poll which is another Blizz property with lots of hot girls.

Therefore, here is the Overwatch Poll, so, vote for which girl you'd like to see get Lewded!