Hiya Everyone and Welcome to my SubscribeStar!!!

Name's Aer0 Zer0-Ri2k, Fellow Connoisseur of All things Booties and Bootyholes! I'm mostly known for my bottom-heavy Ponies and my obsession with Pinkie Pie, but I also draw alot of different characters from other franchises as well. I created this SubscribeStar as a way to allow people and fans of my work to not only support me but also get extra goodies like early access, the ability to vote on future pieces, and even exclusive edits/pictures!!!

SUPER IMPORTANT: All of my Artwork will be posted on my Discord Server which is integrated with this Substar. All tiers regardless of amount will be granted access to the server, however different tiers grants you access to different cool rewards, so be sure to check em out to see which one best fits you!